SLGA makes several changes to retail cannabis rules

Media Partners, Stratcann

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Beginning June 5, all cannabis retail stores in Saskatchewan are no longer required to ask for proof of age on every retail transaction for in-store purchases and pickups.

The changes are part of several listed by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) in an email sent to retailers on June 5.

Retailers will still be required to check ID on anyone who looks to be under the age of 25. Retailers doing deliveries of cannabis are still required to check ID regardless of age. SLGA plans to amend provincial regulations later this year to make the same age-related ID changes for deliveries as in-store purchases. 

The email sent to retailers also notes several other changes that will be updated by June 9 to the province’s Cannabis Regulatory Policy Manual. 

In addition, effective immediately, the SLGA will only require the personal and corporate disclosures for the applicant and any individuals, corporations, and other entities with an ownership stake of at least 10 percent of the applicant.

Retailers who have received a cannabis store permit from First Nations Cannabis Licence Authorities (FNCA) will be able to purchase cannabis from registered suppliers and permitted wholesalers in the province. That legislation was passed and received Royal Assent in May. 

They can, with FNCA approval, also sell cannabis wholesale to other provincially-approved retailers. SLGA recently passed legislation providing this licensing authority to First Nations, who must adhere to provincial and federal cannabis regulations. 

The SLGA has also recently launched their Minors as Test Shoppers program to ensure retailers are checking ID on anyone who appears under 25. 

A separate secure camera viewing area is also no longer required. Retailers must use a camera with at least 15 fps and may be a motion activated device outside of operating hours. 

Retailers must inform the SLGA by the end of the following business day if they have been the victim of theft or break in. 

Retailers also no longer need to provide a copy of Health Canada’s consumer health document for cannabis. 

Retailers with any questions can reach out to their licensing specialist at the SLGA.

Saskatchewan currently lists 171 retail cannabis stores. SLGA is currently accepting retail store permit applications for all communities in the province. The legal age of access for cannabis in Saskatchewan is 19.

Featured image of Vatic Cannabis Co. in Emerald Park, SK.

This post was originally published by our media partner here.