Kirby resigns from Kahnawake cannabis board

Grow Opportunity, Media Partners

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By Eve Cable, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Kahnawake Cannabis Control Board (KCCB) is once again looking for community representatives after the resignation of Rhonda Kirby earlier this month.

The KCCB is now made up of its remaining members, David Diabo and Tara Jacobs. Though there are fewer than the desired three members sitting, two is enough to reach quorum, and therefore enough to continue moving forward with the cannabis file.

“They’re able to hold meetings. They are functioning,” Perron said. “It’s just that, in the event that anything comes up in terms of something ever being a conflict of interest for any board member for some reason, you definitely want to have at least three, so there can still be two others. So we’re going to fill that position as fast as we can,” said Mohawk Council of Kahnawake (MCK) chief Tonya Perron, who has led the cannabis file since its inception.


The open seat on the board was posted publicly at the same time as Kirby’s resignation was announced. To be eligible, Kahnawa’kehro:non must be at least 21, must have no criminal conviction for an indictable offence or must have received a full pardon for any such conviction, must not have an interest in a private entity that has applied for or been granted a cannabis-related licence, and must not have a family member who has an interest in a private entity that has applied for or been granted a cannabis-related licence.

“It’s to ensure the credibility of the board in the decisions that they make, so they can’t be undermined,” Perron said. “There’s only a limited amount of permits that will be issued in terms of dispensaries, so we really want to ensure that there is no perception of bias or actual bias.”

There is no deadline for applications for the seat, and Perron said she hopes it is filled sooner rather than later. She said once applications come in, an informal interview will be conducted with Suzanne Jackson, the MCK’s legal counsel, and Perron herself.

Applicants can send letters of intent to join the board to Dwaine White, general manager of the office of the Council of chiefs.

Kirby had joined the board in May of this year. According to Perron, her resignation was voluntary. “There’s always dialogue that goes on between board members,” Perron said. “There was conversation about various things, and she submitted her letter of resignation.”

Kirby declined to comment, saying she was out of town for work and cited limited network service.

This post was originally published by our media partner here.