Psilocybin will be legalized in a court case

Grow Opportunity, Media Partners

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(CNW) Toronto — FunGuyz spokesperson, Samer Akila, served a Notice of Constitutional Question on the federal and provincial governments putting them on notice that he intends to legalize psilocybin in his London, Ontario court case. Akila says the psilocybin laws are contrary to freedom of thought under section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Lawyers Paul Lewin and Jim Dean are proud to be arguing these important issues.

Psilocybin enhances thought in many ways. It promotes focus, mindfulness, openness, connectivity, creativity, cognitive flexibility, interpersonal closeness, gratitude, well-being, peace, calm, compassion, empathy, awe, spirituality, life meaning, and ego dissolution. Psilocybin is a freedom of thought tool. Psilocybin is to freedom of thought what the printing press was to freedom of expression, what a passport is to freedom of mobility or what a church is to freedom of religion. It is a tool that allows one to experience that freedom in a more fulsome manner.

Freedom of thought is the most important of all rights.

Thought is profoundly important for democratic, religious, philosophical, spiritual, romantic, creative, medical, social, and professional decisions. Freedom of thought is necessary for the proper exercise of almost all other rights including freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of belief, freedom of opinion, and the right to vote.


This will be the first freedom of thought case in Canada. If Mr. Akila is successful, then the federal government will have to amend the law to permit adults reasonable access to psilocybin for freedom of thought purposes. Lawyer Paul Lewin states: “This case will legalize psilocybin.”

This post was originally published by our media partner here.