Money Is Not the Root of All Evil, It Is the Tool of All Evil

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Money Is Not the Root of All Evil…

It Is the Tool of All Evil

By MofWooFoo

It can also be used as a tool for the good. But what exactly do I mean by “good and evil”. I believe evil is whenever one is not authentic and true to oneself, is not in alignment with who one actually is. The underlying assumption is that who we really are, our primal foundation is the embodiment of love, which may or may not be true. That who we are is the divine animating spirit that inhabits all of life. It is my “belief” and to attach to beliefs is

It can also be used as a tool for the good. But what exactly do I mean by “good and evil”. I believe evil is whenever one is not authentic and true to oneself, is not in alignment with who one actually is. The underlying assumption is that who we really are, our primal foundation is the embodiment of love, which may or may not be true. That who we are is the divine animating spirit that inhabits all of life.

It is my “belief” and to attach to beliefs is a form of self delusion,

We are surrounded, covered, and swimming in corruption, from the top down. It seems that our “governments” are controlled by the most powerful and heinous criminals imaginable. They use their seemingly infinite wealth to live as nihilists, by which I mean that it gives them the freedom to do as they please without regard for anyone or anything. They have created an unholy alliance, an ominous and onerous web of deceit that permeates everywhere and that permits them to do whatever they please without reciprocity, consequence, or liability, to constantly commit crimes against humanity with impunity.

It has resulted in a world of unnecessary suffering for most of humanity throughout the centuries. The indigenous and marginalized are often the first line of resistance as their very survival is at stake. We live on a planet of hungry mouths. Every creature from the microbe to the whale needs to support themselves from the energy that comes from the sun that gets translated into food. Humans like at least 3 meals a day, herbivores like cows, sheep, and horses need to eat most of their waking hours. We all rely on nature as our source of food.

Taking resources from others, hoarding, and accumulating wealth at the expense of others could be seen as a nascent form of cannibalism. Cannibalism among animals is rare and usually occurs only under the most stressful conditions. Those who use their wealth to play with our world need to be held accountable and stopped. Being ruled by nihilists has brought humanity to the perilous position we find ourselves in. Like a rotten apple in a barrel it has corrupted a large part of every society. It is difficult to trust anyone. One must question everything. The easiest way to deceive and steal from others is to gain their trust and then abuse it. It has made genuine friendship more rare and precious.

How can humanity ever live peacefully, equitably, and joyfully in this natural paradise we call Earth? We are the only animal that has the possibility to live morally and rise above the “might makes right” dictum of all the other animals. Fortunately, it seems that each generation has the possibility to live nobly and escape this conundrum.

On the outside, we must remove the nihilists from power through restructuring all governments from vertical to extremely transparent horizontal ( On the inside we must undo our traumas and become righteous, never to put our self-interests above the interests of others. The quality and sanctity of any society is dependent on the quality and sanctity of the individuals that make up that society. Just as egotism has fallen out of favor, being noble and caring could be held in the highest esteem and become the much needed norm.

Image by Deiby A. Varga R from Pixabay

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This post was originally published on from Randy Rowe and can viewed here:

This post was originally published by our media partner here.