Giving Back To Mother Earth: Plant Some Trees!

Garden Culture Magazine, Media Partners

This post is presented by our media partner Garden Culture Magazine
View the original article here.

Who we are and what we do reflect our life experiences; our actions directly impact everything around us. Unfortunately, as we have grown as a culture, many have favored a lifestyle harmful to Mother Nature. This way of life has led to deforestation to make way for parking lots, skyscrapers, strip malls, fast food drive-throughs, and more. There was a time when forests, meadows, and grass plains dominated the land. But today, many of the oldest trees have fallen to the sawmill. Science is discovering a wealth of information showing that the world cannot function without vast forests.

Trees and Water

Research proves that major forests are the water pumps controlling the Earth’s weather patterns. For example, the Amazon rainforest and the towering trees in British Columbia, Canada, were grown over time to capture carbon and transform it into hydrogen, oxygen, terpenes, beneficial bacteria, and more to balance our atmosphere. Rainwater collects in the layers of carbon-rich humus; the trees and plants drink this water and pump any extra into the atmosphere, cooling our planet through beneficial synergy.

environmental benefits of tree planting

environmental benefits of tree planting

Trees and Cloud Formation

Evidence shows that clouds depend on what the forest releases to form. Rain is believed to be linked to forests hundreds of miles away! Trees help transport certain types of heavier water and bacteria over long distances. Some of these bacteria are being considered catalysts for cloud formation.

Trees and Outer Space

Forests can even impact what happens in outer space. A pulse in the forest’s plants and trees plays a role in our electromagnetic conductivity as a planet. The moons, planets, stars, and galaxies affect the forest itself. There is a harmony in the greater whole of Nature that is fascinating. To observe and understand the cycles of Nature is to understand the actual order of the universe and our place within it.

Our Planet is Hurting

The fragmenting and dismantling of Nature has had a devastating impact on our environment. A walk from a hot parking lot to a canopy of shade in a natural forest will show the drastic difference in the climates trees and pavement provide. Trees are the cooling fins of the Earth, providing balance in the ecosystem, food, shelter, medicine, and more. The forests do so much for our universe, yet modern humanity disregards them.

Humanity is responsible for removing 80% of the original forest, modifying more than 50% of dry land, and creating Massive Islands of plastic in the oceans. Humans have had an enormous impact on this Earth due to unsustainable farming practices, herbicides, deforestation, over-consumption, and general disrespect.

mother nature

mother nature

Turning The Page

Our actions impact our surroundings, so what can we do as humans to help reverse the damage? Plant some trees, of course. Planting initiatives can immediately positively impact local ecosystems. Some people even plant entire forests by themselves. One man named Jadav “Molai” Payeng took it upon himself to transform his island in India into an oasis by planting at least one tree daily!

One of the leading reforestation names to emerge recently is the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive’s Dave Milarch. Moved by a near-death, out-of-body experience, he made an “ark” of ancient tree genetics from the oldest and largest trees left on the planet to maintain and spread those ancient genes. The idea is to propagate as many champion trees as possible because they contain the DNA memory needed to make it through thousands of years of climate change. There is a dire need to change humanity’s current industrial course, and planting trees seems to be at the root of a positive change.

To date, Milarch and the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive have propagated thousands of trees and do not plan to stop anytime soon. Through tissue culture, cloning, and seed propagation, the team plans to soon have over 20,000 new sequoia and redwood trees rooted and ready to be planted.

give back to nature

give back to nature

A Greener Future

We are the stewards of the future. Our thoughts manifest into action, so we must regard the present and future by observing the past. Having some foresight is crucial. So find some seeds, acorns, or nuts, select a safe spot, and plant some trees!

I can tell you how rewarding it is to plant trees with your family. The feeling of tranquillity as you walk through your home-grown forest is beyond measure. You feel a connection with Nature that many never get to experience. Mother Earth gives us every day to live; from food, water, shelter, medicine, and everything else she does, it’s time to understand that it’s our turn to give back!

We all make daily choices, and those choices become a habit. So, let’s get into the habit of planting trees. If the future of the Earth depended on who you are and what you do, who would you be and what would you do?

Mother Earth needs our help; let’s do our part.


This post was originally published by our media partner here.