Alien Origins of Sociopathy by Montalk

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Alien Origins of Sociopathy by Montalk

Sociopaths or psychopaths are individuals who lack empathy and engage in predatory behavior without remorse or guilt.

In general, this lack of conscience may stem from a conditioned lack of emotional identification with the victim, a narcissistic love of self that overrides any concern for others, or the mechanical inability to feel any emotion other than ones which are chemical or hormonal in origin.

There are different categories of psychopaths depending on the underlying cause for their condition and how well they blend into society.

Criminal and Successful Psychopaths

Criminal psychopaths are those who are crude enough in their manipulations to be identified and apprehended by legal and medical institutions.

They are known as serial killers, con-artists, burglars, mobsters, mad tyrants, rapists, and delinquents. These comprise a small percentage of psychopaths, and only about 1% of the population.

The rest are successful psychopaths who evade detection by optimally conforming to social ideals without compromising their manipulative nature. They are skilled at faking emotions and passing themselves off as charming, caring, and sociable people. Some use their conformity to appear ordinary, others are more ambitious and become symbols of success by using their charm and intellect to rapidly climb the corporate, political, academic, religious, military, or social ladder.

Between 20% and 50% of the population is included in this category. In general, criminal psychopaths consistently violate laws and social norms while successful psychopaths make use of them.

The orthodox medical establishment presently recognizes only the first category under the term “Antisocial Personality Disorder.”

There is no diagnostic term categorizing successful psychopaths, who continue to remain medically unidentified. This is no surprise considering a significant portion of the medical establishment consists of these individuals.

When mainstream media and medical literature use the term “psychopath” or “sociopath,” they are referring to the small minority of criminal psychopaths.

In this article, the term encompasses multiple subcategories and applies to all individuals who lack empathy, whether they are criminals or not.

Expanded Model of Human Behavior

To understand psychopathy, one must first understand human behavior.

The enigma of human behavior is commonly reduced to a question of nature versus nurture, genetics versus environment.

Typical of materialistic determinism, this model is dangerously simplistic because it focuses only upon the physical and causal basis of human behavior, leaving out the metaphysical factors which are equally as important.

An expanded model for human behavior would include the following factors:

  • environment – physical influences, social conditioning, mind programming, and education

  • genetics – instinctual bias, physical limitations, and neurochemical makeup

  • soul nature – metaphysical composition based upon level of metaphysical evolution, acquired and shaped by the experiences of prior incarnations

  • fate – predestined and synchronistically arranged experiences that improve soul nature and thus change behavior, also the unwitting modification of one’s behavior to accommodate another’s fate

  • freewill – personal action taken out of choice, entirely non-deterministic

  • nonphysical influences – divine inspiration, telepathic persuasion, etheric thought-forms, and various hyperdimensional technologies

Souled and Nonsouled Psychopaths

The term “soul” may be defined as a nonphysical unit of consciousness whose core individuality survives death and rebirth.

By this definition, some people have individualized souls, some do not. The latter incarnate with definite soul energy, but nothing sufficiently individualized to avoid dissolution after death.

  • The individualized consciousness of souled humans affords them the ability to choose what to do with the genetic, environmental, and karmic conditions they acquire upon incarnating.

  • Nonsouled humans lack this choice and are entirely the product of their environment and genetics.

  • Psychopaths exist within both categories.

Souled psychopaths are either environmentally programmed to act against their own conscience, or else have made the consistent choice to behave in a narcissistic and predatory manner.

Those who are programmed have chance for recovery, while the attempt to change those who choose psychopathy only reinforces their behavior. Souled psychopaths feel love and hate, but only love for self and hate for others.

This condition is well illustrated by certain Nazis or Zionists who love their own race but feel no guilt about murdering those of another. Souled psychopaths also have empathy and conscience, but these are perverted and reserved for special cases. For example, some mobsters seem to act upon a strong moral code and thus appear as upright heroes to those they protect, but are nevertheless criminal psychopaths.

The greatest tyrants in history were souled psychopaths who passionately pursued their twisted goals.

Since love, empathy, and freewill are qualities associated with having a soul, nonsouled humans are psychopaths by definition. This doesn’t mean all act in obviously predatory ways, just that the severity of their manipulative behavior depends mostly upon environmental and genetic factors, which vary greatly from person to person.

Those who face adversity during childhood often mature into criminal psychopaths, while those who have more secure upbringings are less maladjusted and become successful psychopaths. No amount of education, medication, or programming can instill genuine empathy and love within them, for they lack the soul nature necessary to exude these qualities.

Both souled and nonsouled psychopaths display disregard for the suffering of others.

While the souled psychopath loves himself beyond everyone else and thus feels justified in exploiting them, the nonsouled psychopath freely exploits others because he lacks the ability to love or empathize with anything.


Genetic characteristics determine the physical biases, limitations, and capabilities of an individual.

A nonsouled person will be at the mercy of these characteristics while a souled person can choose how to utilize them. Souls often select the bodies into which they incarnate, seeking ones which provide the optimal “toolbox” for their metaphysical needs and best serves their learning agenda or mission.

Thus, genetics and soul nature tend to correspond.

A nonsouled person with a “sharp” set of tools may, in accordance with environmental programming, use his or her intellectual abilities to deceive and manipulate with perfection. For example, the CEO who manipulated his way up the corporate ladder may simply be an nonsouled psychopath who used his genetic gifts to embody the societal norm of material success.

Genetic flaws can also result in brain abnormalities that hinder the balanced expression of emotion, a common condition in criminal psychopaths.

Chemical and electromagnetic factors can exacerbate these tendencies.

The Metaphysical Significance of Bloodlines

Because soul nature and genetics are coupled, the metaphysical significance of bloodlines becomes clear.

Bloodlines are characterized by concentrations of specific genetic traits passed down through generations. Correspondingly, souled members of that bloodline share common metaphysical characteristics, suggesting that bloodlines provide the physical vehicle for the implementation of metaphysical goals requiring multiple generations to accomplish.

Thus there exist a variety of bloodlines, each with unique metaphysical predispositions. While some are altruistic and noble in nature, others exist to engage in parasitical elitism and are genetically biased toward successful psychopathy.

In that case, nonsouled members would have a high probability of being actively psychopathic. Among its souled members, most incarnate to optimally continue their malevolent agendas, while a few deviate and use their acquired abilities for the better. By genealogically tracing bloodlines and correlating them with historical data, one can determine the fundamental destiny of its descendents.

For example, it is well known that US presidential candidates with the strongest royal lineage become elected.

Diffusion of Psychopathic Bloodlines

Due to crossbreeding, many bloodlines transcend racial boundaries and are not geographically isolated.

An exception would be royal lineages where active measures are taken to keep the bloodline pure and geographically concentrated. Nevertheless, the important point is that branches of bloodlines biased toward psychopathy inevitably diffuse into the general population and exist in all races.

This implies several things.

  • First, it shows that not only is racist prejudice morally repugnant, but it is also logically flawed because its obtuse criteria falsely condemns the innocent among the hated race and excuses the virulent bloodlines within the favored race. For example, the Nazis condemned the entire Jewish people as subhuman psychopaths when only a few non-semitic bloodlines passing themselves off as Jews justified this claim; there were equal concentrations of psychopathic bloodlines within the caucasian race itself, obviously overlooked by the Nazis due to the blind favoritism of their ideology.

  • Second, unless a bloodline is geographically isolated or physiologically unique, it is impossible to identify psychopaths by these traits alone. The purpose of identification is not to persecute them, but to identify such behavior when it occurs and understand why it happens.

The success of psychopaths depends heavily upon others excusing their action with rationalizations built on false assumptions.

For instance, a nonsouled psychopath may abuse his wife and after she leaves him, he may promise change and use sweet words to appear remorseful. The false assumption is that this person is capable and willing to change for the better. In truth, he is incapable of feeling empathy or remorse and fakes these qualities to perpetuate his manipulations.

Understanding the physical and metaphysical basis of human behavior allows one to avoid making such false assumptions and see through false guises that would otherwise appear as genuine.

Psychopathy and Negative Control Systems

Psychopaths who are most intelligent and powerful tend to use lesser ones to do their bidding.

This forms a web of control, a negative hierarchy of manipulation that spans from elite globalist cabals down to the neighborhood delinquent or psychopathic spouse. This is not to suggest that the global elite are directly commanding local psychopaths, but rather that there exists a hidden element unifying this hierarchy.

This hidden element originates beyond our realm and consists of advanced non-human psychopaths of an alien or demonic nature who use hyperdimensional technology or telepathic influence to direct all lesser psychopaths, most easily nonsouled ones who lack freewill and are thus freely controlled.

This hyperdimensional control system may be appropriately termed the “Matrix,” and the lesser psychopaths may be called “Matrix Agents” due to the similarity between their functions and the themes depicted in the movie.

Empathy is antithetical to control, which is why control systems demand psychopathy as the standard mode of function. Society is best manipulated through an abundant distribution of psychopaths among the lower and upper ranks of society.

Toward this end, certain bloodlines have been created or tweaked by negative alien forces to assist the incarnation of malevolently souled individuals, and thus some instances of psychopathy can be said to have alien origins.

Those not genetically biased toward psychopathic behavior are nevertheless easily programmed into supporting or idolizing such behavior, especially if they lack the freewill and discernment associated with having a well developed soul.

The Human Condition

The problem of psychopathy rests upon the fact that only the minority of souled psychopaths who have been programmed against their conscience are capable of changing for the better.

The other two categories, nonsouled psychopaths and those who choose the path of predation, are in the majority, diffused among the population, and beyond rehabilitation.

Their emulation of social ideals and lack of guilt allows them to rise high in society and exploit the masses at large. Our culture’s idolization of psychopathic qualities such as ego-centrism, ruthless ambition, and superficiality provides warm waters for these sharks.

Thus, lack of knowledge among people concerning the prevalence, subtlety, and guile of psychopaths only perpetuates their behavior.

Because of ignorance of metaphysical factors, it is commonly assumed that all psychopaths are treatable. In truth, souled psychopaths who choose their path and nonsouled psychopaths are beyond hope – any energy invested toward “changing them” will be wasted, or worse, serve to reinforce their predatory behavior.

In short, they abuse your respect, exploit your empathy, and feed upon what energy you put into them.

They are best avoided.

Further Research


This post was originally published on from Randy Rowe and can viewed here:

This post was originally published by our media partner here.