“Are you suffering from conspiracy fatigue?”

Media Partners, The New Agora

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Mark Carter’s – Ascension Intention-From Shadow to Light!

“Are you suffering from conspiracy fatigue?”

With the ascendance of the internet, mankind has been offered an unprecedented platter of previously hidden information. Sifting through the various claims and counterclaims can feel like a full-time unpaid job, for those with the time luxury to plumb such murky waters.

The increasing reader/viewer focus on central banking dynasties and their self-serving machinations has been pivotal in shifting mass political consciousness toward the need for monetary rights and justice. Many have traced the insidious web of financial corruption into legal structures, organized medicine, the education system, the media complex, and other establishment power structures. Some people have explored the cult aspect behind central banking and parasitic usury, tracing occult practices back through the centuries and millennia.

At the end of the day, though, how much of our precious time do we want to spend exploring a shadow realm, versus activating more and more Light expansion in our beings and worlds? Enough Light annihilates shadows, just as “perfect love casts out fear”.

I believe that our primary focus should be on becoming conscious and clear about our own inner reality, our true feelings, our strengths and weaknesses. By knowing ourselves authentically and deeply, we can discern which aspects of our lives are well developed and can be offered in conscious service to others, and which aspects would benefit from conscious self-improvement and the assistance of other beings who have developed skills in helping us illumine our blind spots and heal our wounds.

We must give ourselves the gift of feeling our inner world, connecting more deeply with our Source, allowing emotions to surface and harmonize, loving and forgiving ourselves and others. This regular practice roots us in spiritual soil and nourishes our bodies, nurturing peace, confidence, and focused growth in fruitful directions. We spend less time in a confused, fretful mind and more time in the unified, glowing Heart. Ultimately, an alchemical transformation takes place on an inner then outer level and we emerge purified.

Then our highest path becomes more self-evident and we’re able to move forward with grace and purpose. Creative solutions are able to manifest more effortlessly and joyfully, often surprising us with their Divine timing and the inspired allies who enter our lives to improve them and activate fresh opportunities to collaborate. Our journey becomes more of a joy and less of a struggle, and we’re better able to contribute our unique gifts to mankind to help uplift everyone and assist Higher Beings to fulfill the Divine Plan for Planet Earth.

‘May your day be radiant with abundant loving Light that shines the way for you and others!’

-Mark Carter – I hope you enjoy my first post from what should be a long running column-

Ascension Intention-From Shadow to Light

Main Image by Patrick Ennis

This post was originally published on from Randy Rowe and can viewed here: https://newagora.ca/are-you-suffering-from-conspiracy-fatigue/

This post was originally published by our media partner here.