BC cannabis producer loses 120 kg of cannabis in early morning burglary

Media Partners, Stratcann

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The owner of a BC cannabis company says his Agassiz facility was robbed recently, with several men in a truck getting away with 120 kg of cannabis. 

Dylan King, the owner of Pistol and Paris, a BC-based cannabis processor and brand, says police were called to his small micro processing facility after several individuals broke into his facility in the early hours of July 18. 

Around 4:30 in the morning, says King, several people drove their truck through two gates at the site, before cutting into a shipping container where the cannabis was being stored. Police who responded to the call briefly pursued the truck as it was leaving the facility but were unable to immediately catch them, he adds.

“It’s a big loss, financially, unfortunately,” says King. ”We’ve got a lot of demand for these products and now we’re officially out of stock.

One of his biggest concerns is trying to get back on his feet to ensure his 13 employees still have work.

“It’s really a big blow. Things are already challenging enough with the way the industry is with price compressions and all these other things. There are so many guys going out of business, it’s just so difficult to operate. So a huge hit like this is deflating. I think of all the staff and I really want to keep everyone working.” 

The individuals made off with several boxes of Pistol and Paris’ Orange Tings, Blackberry Breath, Notorious, and Pink Goo which were waiting to be packaged into pre-rolls and 7-gram SKUs. An employee who was on site at the time of the robbery said the individuals were driving a black truck.

King says he’s still holding out hope that police are able to receive the stolen product, but says the robbery was a wake-up call for him, especially because he didn’t have insurance on the product itself—something he didn’t think he needed in the legal industry. He hopes others use his experience as a cautionary tale. 

“Just because you’re legal don’t think that these rippers are going to stay away. These rippers don’t seem to care whether you’re legal or not. I wish I had insurance to be able to help with some of this loss. I’m definitely going to be changing the way I run my business.”

StratCann will provide more details on this story as they emerge.

One of the two gates broken down to enter the site
Empty boxes outside of the shipping container where cannabis was stored

This post was originally published by our media partner here.