Higher Dimensional Healing with Energetic Medicine

Media Partners, The New Agora

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Higher Dimensional Healing

with Energetic Medicine

“The seat of the soul is there where the inner and outer worlds meet.” ~Novalis

There is true medicine in this world, but it belongs not in a pill or potion but in the energetic tuning of one’s body and soul. Of course, herbs, plants, foods, minerals, light, air, breath, water and more can all help.

They will, if we allow, tune us, or perhaps it’s re-tune us towards our true harmonious nature, one with ‘the all of everything’.

In my opinion there is not ‘magic solution’ to anything without us also putting in the effort of change. After all, we are all born with everything we need for a happy, healthy and long life, I would say. But through our own efforts, even if suggested by others and we listen, we cause disharmony in our bodies, heart, soul and more.

Thus, it is up to us, in fact it can only be us that heals ourselves from the self-inflicted challenges we are participate in through these lives in our days/daze.

Full Frequency Flower Essences have helped me to ‘see’ and feel some aspects of myself that were hidden. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say they were ‘deadened’ but a life of shallow indulgence and petty concerns. Like the being that eats too much sugar and thus can no longer tell the subtle differences between natural sweet and much sugar, we’ve all allowed parts of ourselves, let’s say our birthrights, to remain or grow fallow, and thus can no longer access the ‘maps’ we need to move ourselves back to a well tuned life.

Love, health, joy, harmony and the like are all possible. I have gone from there in childhood to darker places  during my young adulthood back towards all of these as I work ‘my ass off’ to see how I’ve allowed my life to be led away from these joyful ways of being here in this body, in this time, in my heart.

With FlorAlive Dr. Brent Davis has discovered, perhaps it’s uncovered, many gifts that nature has placed in our path to allow us to remember what has been forgotten. In Brent’s case he literally followed his path over 30 years plus, to these flowers, all the while developing a means to ‘harness’ their frequency while do no harm. How amazing and wonderful that we can all benefit from his ‘life-long’ journey and sacrifices to bring them to the world.

Honestly, I see people spend so much on so many silly things, all for a moments ‘respite’ from the challenges of modern life, while for the cost of a ‘gourmet night out’, even much less these days, we can all be given the keys to our ‘Happy Destiny’.  I have mine now….and I invite you all along to claim yours.

"Truth can be simply defined as a calm and self-complete state of
knowing, needing neither allies nor defense."  Vernon Howard

Cheers Lorenzo

Perhaps a ‘tricky painting’ to see as healing, and yet, with the title ‘Medicine Woman’ I can see the power in this image!

Art by Mythos!

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This post was originally published on from Randy Rowe and can viewed here: https://newagora.ca/higher-dimensional-healing-with-energetic-medicine/

This post was originally published by our media partner here.