Ice Water Extraction — Comprehensive Guide

Extraction Magazine, Media Partners

This post is presented by our media partner Extraction Magazine
View the original article here.

According to statistics, it’s estimated that the global cannabis market size is valued at about 22.5 million, with it set to continue growing in the coming years. Unsurprisingly, with the way cannabis has exploded, it feels like every time you wrap your head around one CBD concept, a new one arises. 

The same is true for cannabis extraction methods. Every year, there is a new and improved method surrounding CBD extraction from butane and CO2 to ice water extraction; there is a method for every budget and need. With so many methods available, it can feel like you can use CBD and THC with anything these days. Although this isn’t accurate, the theory holds up with ice water. 

This method has become increasingly popular in recent years because it’s able to produce high-quality cannabis that is beautiful and pure. Yet, even though it is becoming widely adopted by weed connectors who want to try their hand at commercial CBD, not many people know what this method is.

In fact, most people don’t even know the benefits and equipment needed for ice water extractions. If you fall into this group, you might find our comprehensive guide interesting, as we discuss everything you need to know about ice water extractions. 

Ice Water Extraction – A Brief History

Before delving into ice extraction and what it is, it is worth noting a brief history of this method and how it became a popular extraction process for cannabis growers. 

Cold water or has been a popular go-to technique for herbalists for centuries. This is because it’s one of the best methods to draw out delicate flavors and medicinal properties from plants. Although it’s been around for centuries, cold water THC extraction is only recently becoming a modern application in industries like cannabis processing and pharmaceuticals. 

In recent years, significant advancements in technology have allowed ice water extraction to be more widely used with precise control over variables like pressure and temperature. In fact, many labs use specialized equipment to enact the ice water extraction process, but this doesn’t mean you cannot complete it at home. With the right tools and knowledge, it’s possible to start extracting THC through ice water extraction. 

What Is Ice Water Extraction? – The Method

First and foremost, this extraction method involves ice, water, and fermentation. Unlike other extraction methods, it’s unique because it doesn’t utilize chemicals to extract THC and CBD from a weed plant, resulting in a purer and more powerful batch. 

Ice water extraction also offers less chance of contamination compared to and carbon dioxide extractions. This is because ice water removes the leaves and trichomes from a cannabis plant and is highly effective at preserving cannabinoids and terpenes.

How Does This Extraction Work?

Now that you know what ice water extraction is, we want to discuss how it works. Before understanding how this extraction method works, you must know more about trichomes. The science surrounding trichomes is long and complex, so we won’t bore you with too many details.

Trichomes are found on a cannabis plant and contain most , including CBD and THC. If you hold a weed bud and examine it closely, you can see trichomes. They are the sticky and sparkly bits that dust a bud. These trichomes are responsible for CBD’s calming effect and THC’s psychoactive effects.

So, how exactly does it work? First, ice water extraction is effective because the trichomes on a cannabis plant are significantly denser than water. When this extraction method is used, the cold water prevents trichomes from dissolving and instead allows them to float. Using ice water makes it easier to separate pure cannabinoids from plant material and water.

Essentially, ice water extraction is a method whereby cannabis is immersed in freezing water and stirred (or agitated) gently to dislodge the hairs from the plant. When the trichomes fall off the cannabis plant, they pass through various screens, filters, mesh bags, or bubble bags. Typically, this process allows growers to garner a product with 50% to 70% THC levels. [1]

Yet, why is ice water used instead of hot water? Simple. Hot water can cause various cannabinoids to activate or, in worst-case scenarios, dissolve. As you can see, this method is simple but effective, which is why it’s becoming increasingly popular. 

What Tools Are Needed For Ice Water Extraction? 

Although this extraction method is simple, you need specialized equipment to use this production method on a commercialized scale. CBD production dreams can be realized with ice water extraction, as solventless cannabis concentrates are in high demand.

So, if you want to set up an ice water extraction lab, you’ll need the following equipment items: 

The Basic Equipment Needed

  • Grinders: Those who want to increase the surface area exposure to the ice water should use grinders to grind the cannabis plant materials into smaller portions. By grinding cannabis into smaller portions, the extraction process is optimized and far more effective since the cannabis is exposed to more cold water.
  • Scales: Accurate measuring instruments like scales are crucial for ensuring consistent extraction results. Although kitchenware scales will get the job done, using a professional lab-grade scale will be more reliable for producing higher yields and better product outcomes.
  • Large paddles or mixing spoons: With the cold method, you need to agitate the mixture gently. The best way to do this is to use large wooden paddles or mixing spoons. If wooden spoons cannot be obtained, the next best thing is silicone spoons.
  • Filter bags: These might not sound like an important equipment item, but filter bags are crucial to the ice-water extraction process. You will need multiple large filter bags to catch the plant material and fine filters to catch the trichomes you need for your products. Additionally, using numerous filter bags with differing mesh sizes will help you separate higher-grade material to ensure you produce more potent effects.
  • Stainless steel buckets: Cultivators need stainless steel buckets to hold water, cannabis, and ice. Although other types of buckets and containers can be used, stainless steel is far easier to clean, more durable, and less likely to carry contaminants. 

The Water and Ice Preparation Tools Needed

  • Ice packs or an ice maker: Those who use the ice water extraction method often need to ensure they have a reliable source of ice weather through ice packs or an ice maker. If ice is not in ready supply, there is a risk that the temperature will drop, and this could interfere with the extraction process.
  • Water and ice (purification system): To utilize the ice-water extraction method, you will need large quantities of ice and water. Yet, you need to be careful of the water you use so as not to carry over any contaminants to the trichomes you’re collecting. Most commercial laboratories invest in water purification equipment to ensure a reliable clean, potable water source. 

Drying Equipment Needed

  • Drying racks or screens: After using the ice water extraction method, you’ll need to use drying racks or screens to allow the extracted materials to dry properly before processing them.
  • Freeze-drying equipment: To produce an end product, you will need freeze-drying equipment. Even though you can air dry your extractions, it’s better to freeze dry if you’re extracting commercially. This is because using freeze-drying equipment will ensure you preserve more terpenes (volatile compounds that give cannabis flavor and aroma).

Additional Equipment You Might Need

  • pH Meter: Monitoring the pH level of the water during extraction can help optimize the extraction process. A pH meter is essential for this purpose.
  • Thermometer: A thermometer is needed to maintain the optimal temperature during extraction. You do not want your water to get too warm, as this can compromise the batch you are extracting.
  • Timer: Tracking the extraction time is crucial for achieving consistent results. A timer can help you accurately monitor the ice-water extraction process’s duration.
  • Microscope: A microscope can be handy for checking the quality of the trichomes and determining the best time to stop the extraction process.
  • Sinks and benches: You will need to invest in heavy-duty sinks and benches as they will take the biggest beating throughout their working lives. This equipment is crucial for this extraction method because it helps extract trichomes properly while protecting against corrosion. 

Ultimately, it’s not possible to disregard the importance of good-quality equipment for ice water extractions. Suppose you want to commercially produce products containing pure CBD and THC extracts that transfer to your final product. In that case, you need premium-quality equipment—especially if you’re in the business for the long haul.

How To Perform Ice Water Extraction Yourself

Ice water extraction can be as simple or as complex as one needs it to be. If the end result is personal consumption, this process can often be performed at home with a few basic tools. 

However, if the aim of THC water extraction is to use the products to sell on a commercial basis, the process is best done in a laboratory setting with controlled conditions. With that said, here is how to perform ice water extraction yourself at home: 

  1. Grind your cannabis: The first step involves grinding your cannabis into a refined form so that it can be extracted more effectively with the ice water solution.
  2. Mix your cannabis with warm water: After you have a roughly ground form of the cannabis you want to use for THC cold extraction, you need to mix it with warm water – not hot water. This will help loosen up the trichomes and speed the process up when you add them to the ice water bath for extraction.
  3. Rapidly cool the mixture: You’ll want to rapidly cool the mixture by putting it into an ice bath. You should leave it to sit and cool for about a half hour as this will allow the hairs to separate from the rest of the cannabis materials.
  4. Pour the mixture through a filter: Once the hairs have separated, you can pour the mixture through a filter, mesh, or bubble bag. This will collect the filtered liquid while catching all the residue you don’t need.
  5. Storage: Once you have filtered the trichomes, you’ll need to store the solution until you are ready to use it. Alternatively, you can use drying racks to dry the material and then store it. 

This is a very rudimentary way of using the ice-water hash extraction process, but it should work for small batches. 

What Are The Benefits Of This Extraction Method?

As with every extraction method, ice water extraction has many benefits. Below are the most important benefits you need to note if you want to dip your toes into this extraction pool. 

  • Aroma and Flavor: The way trichomes are extracted can significantly affect the aroma and flavor of THC and CBD because they are delicate. The ice water extraction method is not damaging and is an easy process. Due to this, this method captures incredibly aromatic and flavorful hash that shows an increase in terpene retention;
  • Purity and Potency: compared to every other extraction method, ice water extraction gives producers the best potency and purity. However, to ensure these benefits, you need the appropriate equipment to prevent contamination. In addition, the more potent and pure an extraction, the better the products;
  • Yields: It’s been proven that dry sifting isn’t as effective as ice water extraction, which is why the latter offers better yields. Ultimately, unlike other methods, ice water extraction is less wasteful because it better collects trichomes. 

Are There Any Environmental Considerations Surrounding Ice Water Extraction? 

Ice water extraction is not only beneficial for producing high-quality cannabis extracts but also for its environmental friendliness. Have a look below as we delve into how this method stands out in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness compared to other extraction methods popularly employed.

  • Low carbon footprint: Unlike , which requires large amounts of energy, ice water extraction uses ice and water, which are readily available and don’t contribute to a high carbon footprint.
  • Reduced waste: Ice water extraction is known for producing less waste compared to other methods. The plant material left after extraction can be composted, reducing the overall waste generated in the extraction process.

These are only two of the environmental aspects making the ice water extraction method preferable to other more harmful extraction methods used by cannabis growers and pharmaceutical companies. 

What Are A Few Tips To Ensure Successful Ice Water Extraction? 

Although ice water extraction is a fairly simple process that can be completed with basic or advanced tools (as discussed above), there are a few tips you can keep in mind to ensure the process runs smoothly:

  • Quality of cannabis: For the best results when using the ice-water extraction method, growers need to start the process with high-quality cannabis flowers or buds. The starting material’s quality significantly impacts the final extract’s quality.
  • Optimal water and ice ratio: Finding the right balance between water and ice is crucial for effective extraction. Too much ice may slow down the extraction process, while too little may not be effective. This might take some time and trial and error, but determining the optimal water and ice ratio will save time and money in the long run and lead to better, more high-quality yields.
  • Agitation techniques: Agitating your mixture too much or too little can negatively affect your yield. That’s why the proper agitation of the mixture is essential to ensure that trichomes are effectively separated from the plant material. It’s best to err on the side of caution and use gentle stirring or shaking motions to help improve the extraction efficiency.
  • Filtration: Although it may be tempting to cut costs, it’s important to use quality mesh bags or bubble bags with varying mesh sizes to filter out the cannabis plant material and collect trichomes efficiently. Growers also might want to consider multiple rounds of filtration. It’s been proven that multiple rounds of filtration can help achieve higher purity.

Wrap-Up On Ice Water Extraction

This extraction method is one of the best in the industry, especially for those who want to commercially produce CBD or THC products. This method is simple but effective and usually offers the best quality, pure, trichome results


Szalata, M., Dreger, M., Zielińska, A., Banach, J., Szalata, M., & Wielgus, K. (2022, September 10). Simple extraction of cannabinoids from female inflorescences of hemp (cannabis sativa L.). Molecules (Basel, Switzerland).,%25%20to%2070%25%20THC%20levels.


This post was originally published by our media partner here.