Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) say they found several kilograms of dried cannabis, along with a few illicit edibles and a vape pen during a recent traffic stop for speeding.
In a tweet shared by OPP East Region, it explains that officers with the Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry detattachment, a county south of Ottawa, made a stop of a vehicle for speeding on 401 near Long Sault.
In the course of the stop, officers discovered and seized 3,415 grams of bulk-packaged cannabis (or about seven and a half pounds), along with edible cannabis products and vape pen. Police say the total is valued at $12,000, or about $3.50 a gram.
The edibles displayed by police are labelled as the Cream of the Crop brand and the vape pen appears to be a Gas Gang White rhino vape cart, both sold in the illicit market.
The driver, already a prohibited driver, was said to be “charged accordingly.”