The Forgotten Key to Freedom (Loosh 102)

Media Partners, The New Agora

By Bronte Baxter

This is Chapter 6 in an online book:  ‘Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic’ by Bronte Baxter.

Let’s talk more about loosh. If you haven’t read “Loosh 101: Tracking the Crack in the Universe,” that’s the foundation for what we’ll talk about here, so check that out before you continue. This is “Loosh 102.”

The concept of loosh, in my opinion, holds a major clue to human freedom. What is loosh, as it was described to Robert Monroe? It is a kind of energy that animals and humans generate in situations that involve two things: an intense desire plus a negative emotion. In the last article I equated loosh with “life force,” but when loosh arises in the harvestable form, it is laced with some form of negativity: fear (in the example of a mother defending her young), sadness or hopelessness (in the example of a lonely person), fear again (in the example of prey/predator combat). So how do we explain this? Life energy isn’t negative, so what really is loosh?

It seems to me loosh is a strong inrush of vital energy caused by a strong desire in the individual experiencing it. It’s that adrenaline surge you feel in a fight-or-flight situation. But it’s more than a chemical, because we are told loosh is also generated in a situation like a lonely person pining, where no adrenaline is involved. In both cases, there is a common element: a strong emotional desire. Negativity seems to be what makes the harvesting possible, but it is not the loosh. It’s something that sometimes laces loosh, and its presence is necessary for access to the substance by interdimensional energy-eaters. Negativity is not the essential emotion but an overlay emotion, and when it is present, it creates a drain on the inrush of vital energy.


Let me explain more concretely. Whenever we have a strong desire without tangential feelings of fear, sadness, remorse, etc., what do we experience? A surge of life, a re-charge. We say “I’m pumped” or “I’m psyched.” We feel power. But when we have a strong desire accompanied by the negative emotions, that’s another story. Then our strong desire seems to churn inside us, causing anguish. In the first case, our life energy is infused into us from somewhere. In the second case, it’s being infused and at the same time being drained away. Hence no re-charge.

Negative emotions come from an attitude, a decision that has been struck by a very deep part of us, the subconscious mind. The subconscious decision behind a negative emotion like fear or sadness is something like “This won’t work,” “I can never have it,” “I’m sure to fail.” Self-messages from the deep influence what happens to us in outer, material reality. If we’re engaged in combat, a self-defeating attitude determines that we lose. If we’re trying to create something nice, this attitude jinxes us. If we have a fabulous dream, a negative subconscious decision ordains that the dream remains a wish and never becomes reality.

Negative self-talk, which results from self-doubt on the subconscious level, also opens the door to being harvested. When the subconscious has decided that we can’t get what we want, that we will fail, that fundamental ruling relinquishes the reins that control our destiny, in spite of the positive thoughts we may be consciously thinking. Self-doubt puts the outcome of any endeavor on the cosmic “freebie shelf,” where anyone who wants can come and take it over. That’s the reason behind the expression, “Victory belongs to the most committed.” The individual with the least negative self-talk about a competitive outcome wins, because that is the person with the fewest internal obstructions to manifesting their desire.

Negative self-talk makes it possible to be defeated by an opponent with a more user-friendly subconscious. It also opens the door for trawling psychic entities, like “the gods” or Monroe’s “light being,” to lap up the influx of energy that our strong desire has instigated. No such in-road exists when a strong desire is accompanied by a determined intention. The energy drain only happens when negative self-talk contaminates the process of strongly desiring something. Then the tears come, or the sadness, or the fear or the outrage, and that self-undermining mindset that shouts “I can’t do this!” shoots a hole in our manifestation, letting the wonderful energy drain away to benefit those who know how to cart it away and make use of it. Did they steal it, these loosh harvesters? Actually, they didn’t. We gave them permission subconsciously. We said “I can’t handle this,” so somebody else decided. That’s what happens when you put your life or desires on the freebie shelf of the universe.


To put this in a nutshell:

  • Strong desire + authoritative intent = influx of life energy stored (spiritual empowerment)
  • Strong desire + self-defeating attitude = influx of life energy siphoned (spiritual harvesting)

What’s emerging from this picture is that intent is everything. Intent is the reverse side of permission. Holding a determined intention is the key to both success in a given situation and to personal empowerment from that situation, while having a weak intent (a desire polluted by self-doubt) is tantamount to permission for someone else to step in.This spills the life energy and places the key to a situation’s outcome into the hands of something outside ourselves.

Let’s look at this from another angle. What is that inrush of energy you feel when you have a powerful desire, the kind that’s uncorrupted with negative mind chatter? When you get that flush of inspiration, that idea of something wonderful you could be or do or create or experience, how do you feel? You are flooded with energy and joy. If it happens in the middle of the night, you are up for hours. There’s power in a dream, in a desire. Because dreaming and desiring are – what? – they’re attached to something. They’re like a pipeline, bringing in an unbounded rush of energy. Where does that come from? What is it that such great thoughts tap into? Whatever it is, it seems to be the font of the life force itself. The energy that rushes in from that place is strong enough to empower people to lift cars that have fallen on the body of a loved one. It’s strong enough to give the victory in battle to the physically weaker party.

Quantum physics has revealed that matter is not solid. It’s made up of atoms, which are not particles and waves as we once believed, but waves only. Matter is nothing but vibration: waves in some unseen medium. We could call that unseen “nothingness,” or we could call it “consciousness,” or “energy.” I suggest that consciousness and energy are better names for the material emptiness at the core of physical life, because how can “nothing” manifest as matter and all the varied activity of this world? Surely it’s more reasonable to assume that the energy we see around us comes from a source of energy, rather than from zip. Our experience suggests that we ourselves are linked to a source that is a font of energy, something outside physical matter, something on which matter is predicated.

When we desire something, or dream of something that instills a desire, that need reaches into the deepest part of ourselves, a realm that is a powerhouse of energy and consciousness. Unless we obstruct the natural process by throwing up self-doubt, the Infinite, this powerhouse, responds to our desire like a reservoir responds to an opening pipeline: it rushes in to fill it. That’s why energy suffuses us in our inspired moments and in our crisis moments. We are becoming more powerful, more filled with life, at those times. We are garnering spiritual power. In those moments we are fulfilling the intention of the life force to create and to manifest, and to become a unique embodiment of itself: an empowered creator, making manifest more creation, more expressions of life.


Powerful, authoritative desire is the key to personal empowerment, spiritual empowerment. That’s why those who feed off human life created religious teachings that tell us desire is bad. If we believe it’s bad to want things, our desires will never be powerful, never full of confident intent. They will be wimpy and ridden with self-doubt: just the thing the psychic trawlers like, because then our pipeline to the Infinite has holes in it, making any incoming energy harvestable.

So passion, or what I’ve been calling “authoritative intent,” brings in spiritual power. Self-doubt brings in the harvesters. Loosh is the power of the Source, the power of life. When we access it through desire, it infuses us, unless we let it be drained off by doubting ourselves, by shooting holes in our pipeline.

Intent and permission are reverse sides of will, and will is one of the faculties of personhood. We can give it away through permission, letting our energy be siphoned and our souls assimilated into oneness with the harvesters. Or we can build our will and grow in personal empowerment. We are told that being spiritual means surrendering our ego (our desires and our self-hood). But true spiritual empowerment will never be achieved by bending before the gods in self-abnegation. Spiritual empowerment means living the power of the Infinite as unique expressions of the Infinite, which is what our spirits were long before the gods got hold of us. Long before the creation of this physical universe took place.

Freedom means taking back control of ourselves through will, taking back control of our spirits. It means exercising will to think the thoughts we desire, not the thoughts the trawlers want us to think.

And freedom means much more. It means, through intent, hooking up our bodies to run on the intelligence, love and energy of the Infinite, rather than on the limited grid of DNA. DNA was created by (or at least is currently controlled by) the gods, our harvesters. It is programmed with our decay and death. We can overcome the program by establishing ourselves in our nature as one with our spiritual Source. When we ordain, from our authority as sons and daughters of the Infinite, then the power behind our wishes brings them to fruit, whatever our declaration might be. We can ordain a parking place, or we can ordain a healing, or immortality. We can ordain personal freedom from harassment by purveyors of the global agenda. We can also work together with other awakening creators, and ordain freedom for mankind. Working on behalf of all material creation, we can ordain freedom and happiness for all beings in the physical universe. We can establish material life on a new level, where death, lack and suffering are never part of the picture again. We can claim our own divinity, and oust the regime that controls this dimension. And if we choose to ordain that, we must do it in love and compassion for the trawlers, not in revenge and hate, because a made-new world is no place for negative things.


The harvesters are hungry, like everybody else. The gods are no worse than we are when we eat chicken or beef, or when we set up pens on a farm. They eat our energy because they know no other way to live. Our life force sustains them, while they make us their minions. But just as we don’t need meat to live, just as we can rewire ourselves to live off the power of the Infinite within us, so, too, can these gods. What better way to help them learn to tap their internal spiritual resources than by removing their external food source, rendering ourselves unavailable? When humankind takes back its power and its home in the universe, the psychic vampires will have empty nets from their trawling and will have to look to the same Source we’re being forced to look to for ongoing life.

This learning process, for both mankind and gods, won’t be easy and may not always be pretty. But it’s the door to everyone’s freedom, the door to a new life. We can no longer afford to let paradise remain a metaphysical concept. We have to make it reality. Because it’s the only alternative, at this time in history, to assimilation. Our enemies wish not only to harvest our energy but to assimilate our consciousness, our individual souls. That is their plan with their New World Order, where all will be microchipped servants of global government. That is their plan with a universal religion, where all will surrender their egos and amalgamate into Oneness consciousness: the impersonal consciousness of “enlightenment” – stripped of desires, originality, joy, passion, and the power to choose.

We either let them accomplish this by doing nothing, or we take action now. We pick up the forgotten key to freedom, call it whatever you will: choice, personal will, authoritative intent, impassioned and confident desire. We elect to become the children of the Infinite that we forgot how to be. We take back our birthright as sons and daughters of the original, loving, joyous divine intention.


How will that happen? The Infinite will show the way. Once we hook up our pipeline of desire and shore up the holes of self-doubt – in other words, once we take back our power – Original Consciousness can pump its life into our flagging bodies and spirits once more. With that will come inspiration and ideas. Connections will get made. When that starts happening to enough of us, how can the New World Order do anything but fail?

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

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