The Great Law of Peace – Compiled by Candace Hill – Osawuskiskwew

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The Great Law of Peace –

Compiled by Candace Hill – Osawuskiskwew



THE PEOPLE OF THE FLINT, the Mohawk (Kahniakehake) are the   Keepers of the East Gate from the community of Akwesasne.

The Kahniakehake are one of the original Five Nations to accept the Peacemaker’s message and joined together with the Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga to form the Iroquois (lerahkwa)Confederacy.

The Aiionwatha (Hiawatha) belt represents the founding of the lerahkwa Confederacy. When the Peacemaker came to the warring Five Nations, he carried with him the message of Kaianeraserakowa (the Great Law of Peace).

The Peacemaker came to the “lerahkwa” with his message of Skennen (Peace), Kariwiio (The Good Word), and Kasatensera (strength), which contains the principles of peace, equality, respect, love, and justice.

The Peacemaker envisioned the uniting of these Nations in Peace as one extended Longhouse with each Nation having their own hearth fire. In other words, each Nation would have a shared sovereignty in the “lerahkwa” Confederacy, and the responsibility to protect the Peace, the Natural World, and the Future Generations to come, while retaining the sovereignty over their own Nations.

The joining together of the Five Nations is perhaps the oldest example of nations uniting under a single form of government and spirituality. Interestingly, the “lerahkwa” draw no distinction between what is political and what is spiritual, for our spiritual leaders are also the political leaders.

The Mohawk are known as the Elder Brothers, which has significance when the Grand Council of Chiefs, composed of all fifty chiefs of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, meet to discuss matters of importance to the entire Confederacy. The Mohawk were the first Nation to accept the Great Law of Peace from the Peacemaker as he and Aiionwatha (Hiawatha) journeyed to the Five Nations.

The Kahniakehake known as the Keepers of the Eastern Door, it is their duty to protect the “lerahkwa” Confederacy from trouble that may approach from the east or west.

One can identify the Nation that the wearer is from by the number of eagle feathers and the position of these feathers worn on the kastoweh.

Kahniakehake (Mohawk) men wear three upright eagle feathers on their kastowehs. If the man were a chief of the Kahniakehake Nation, he would wear attached to his feathered hat deer antlers that symbolize his authority as one of the nine chiefs of the Mohawk Nation. The Mohawk also have Clan Mothers. Clan Mothers have many important duties, and one duty is to choose who will become chief.

The Kahniakehake have three clans. The three clans are Turtle, Bear, and Wolf. The “lerahkwa” are matrilineal, which means that the clans are passed down from one’s mother.

These two men below are Thomas Square (wearing the kastoweh) – Wolf Clan and Roger Jock(playing the drum) – Bear Clan both of the Men are part of the Men and Warrior Council of the Mohawk.

They are part of the creators of the new government called the “lerahkwa Ne Kanienke Government” under the Great Law of Peace.

There will be NO POLITICIANS, NO CHIEFS, NO TAXES we the People will own all the natural resources. Banks will be opened in each community, create embassies worldwide, carry our own Passports, and have our own license plates on our vehicles.

We will be governed under the Great Law of Peace which is based on Clans and Councils by the People to make all decisions, and the WOMEN (Natural) will once again have a seat at the table.

Thomas and the men of the Taino tribe are working on currency (backed by Gold for Turtle Island) and banking (they have opened the first international Indigenous Bank).

It’s time to have our own government for the People BY the People in the Public corporate system equal to Canada and the United States.

But NOT use the USA Fiat money $$$$$ which is a debt-based currency and holds no value as it is not backed by Gold. It was created by the (Zionist bankers) 100 yrs ago that they print on demand and keep us all in slavery and WARS.

We must have a currency backed by Gold=PEACE and we must do a REFERENDUM to UNITE All the TRIBES of Turtle Island – America’s North & South.

Here is a great video below with Thomas Square, Roger Jock, Loran Thompson and the late Francis Boot with a young man Sago speaking this was recorded in 2023.

         An Open Appeal of the Ierahkwa People to Humanity


Band council is an administrative arm of Canada. Canada can’t enter into treaties with itself. Canada doesn’t want to discuss the Two-Row because it doesn’t have true sovereignty, it’s the Crown who is beholden to the Two-Row so Canada’s unlawful existence is a violation of the two-row. If the British wants to abandon its colony that’s fine but that means all of the infrastructure put in belongs to the onkwehón:we.

But if the British want to stop pretending that Canada is a lawful country & claim ownership of their colony then they best be sticking to the terms of the Two-Row.

It’s time that we straighten out our matters. There is no better time than now. We each know what we can contribute to this end.

We are living under duress under the gun of two colonial military occupations. Both colonial governments claim our Mother, the soil using religious dogma, the Christian doctrine of discovery. This Christian belief system says that people who are non-Christian are sub-human – less than human. So, they can claim discover our land because there are no people who live there, empty land.

This belief is embedded in law (or rules & regulations that carry the force of law) in both the United States & Canada. Both countries are unlawful, they are colonies who are in violation of the terms mutually agreed to that bring about Peace & a mutual strength – as recorded in Wampum – the Two-Row / Teyohate the way of this land.

Below you can listen to Mohawk Bear Clan – Loran Thompson, Wolf Clan Paul Deleronde and Snipe Clan Francis Boots explain the “Two Row Wampum Agreements”

Explaining the Two Row Wampum and Silver Covenant Chain from three Kanienkehaka teachers.

We are owned justice according to the terms of this foundational Peace & Friendship agreement, as authored by our ancestors, designed to last forever.

Compiled by Candace Hill – Osawuskiskwew –




This post was originally published on from Randy Rowe and can viewed here:

This post was originally published by our media partner here.