The Rewards of Self-Exploration

Media Partners, The New Agora


The Rewards of Self-Exploration

Vernon Howard’s

“Would you like to be in charge of your own mind, of your own feelings,
instead of them overcoming you? Overwhelming you all the time, so that a
mere glance at another person’s face upsets you and throws you off for the
next hour, a frown from someone; or even a smile from someone elates you
for a little bit and then you go down again. This is your life. No, it’s
not a life at all, it’s a very, very dreary, boring existence.

With the kind of self-exploration that we’re talking about now, everything
can be different. But I better tell you something. You had better want it
to be different.

If you’re satisfied with being unhappy, then I’m afraid you’re not going to
be too excited about what we’re talking about. If you’re satisfied with
going along the way you are with all your crying and all your tears and all
your defeats, and loving that, if that is your love, I wouldn’t trade
places with you for a billion dollars.

Well, maybe there’s someone watching and listening now who wants to be
different, who wants to challenge the boundary lines of your own life, who
wants to step beyond them and see what is there.

So that’s what we are going to do now.

We’re going to take some preliminary steps in self-exploration, inner-
exploration. First of all, self-exploration starts with you, with you
looking inside, noticing how you are – you can do that. Did it ever occur
to you before that you can look inside yourself and see yourself as you are?

Well, let me tell you what will happen at first for a long time, so you
won’t be discouraged, so you won’t think you are doing the wrong thing, but
will understand eventually that you are doing the right thing. I want you
to know that when you begin the exploration of your own inner self, that
when you do that for a long, long time, you’re going to be very, very

And also you are going to be surprised, you’re going to be shocked. You’re
going to look in wonderment at what you see inside yourself, because you’re
beginning to see yourself as you have actually been all your life – whereas
you thought you were someone else. Whereas before you were living in dream
land about what a marvelous human being you are and how much other people
owed you, for example.

Do you have the courage and do you have the honesty – and do you have the
decency, the simple decency to face the fact that you don’t understand
yourself? That you don’t know how to behave yourself out in the world, and
so you put on a bluff, and so you fake it, and so you pay the price for it.”

The Rewards of Self-Exploration
DVD # 15, talk 4 Blu-ray # 6, talk 5

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