The world’s biggest ‘soap opera’

Media Partners, The New Agora

Three Corporations run the world

Most world events leave a trail back to the architects. There are 3 cities on Earth with no national authority, they have separate laws, they pay no taxes, they have their own police force and possess their own flag of independence. These 3 cities control the economy, military onslaughts and spiritual beings of those in power. They are:

Together they control politicians, the courts, educational institutions, food supply, natural resources, foreign policies, economies, media, and the money flow of most nations as well as 80% of the world’s entire wealth. Their ultimate aim is to build totalitarian rule on a global scale of rulers vs. ruled after they have depopulated the world to numbers they wish to rule over.

Corporation corpses

Fictions of law are a construct created by man. Fictions are not living entities, yet these dead things have more rights than real man living souls. Fictions have no accountability and no liability, so why do real man living souls allow dead things to rule over them? 

The Actors

Like other Vatican documents completely made up out of thin air by one Pope or another the followings untold history needs to be shared about the true owners and rulers of their world-wide empire.

Whose truth is it that as direct successors of Apostle Peter, the popes were the only true inheritors of the might of the Church and whatever and whoever were under her authority?

Maxim of Law: A delegated power cannot be dele­gated.
So, how can popes be the only true inheritors of the might of the Church?

As soon as the race for the conquest of the western hemisphere began, the pope came to the forefront as a master and arbiter of the continents to be conquered. For, if all islands belonged by right to St. Peter, then all the newly-discovered and yet-to-be-discovered lands with all riches, treasures and wealth in any form belonged to the popes, his successors. The New World thus had become the possession of the papacy.

Maxim of law: When the foundation fails, all fails.

The ‘Rock’ represents the ‘Truth’

Roman Catholicism’s false (a-historical) view of Matthew 16:18 regarding the identification of the “Rock” as Peter.

Christ, you see, built his Church not on a man but on Peter’s confession. What is Peter’s confession? “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” There’s the rock for you, – there’s the foundation, there’s where the Church has been built, which the gates of the underworld cannot conquer.

Soap opera

People addicted to propaganda are like people addicted to soap operas. Whether it’s religion, media or politics pitting man against man, divisiveness disempowers rivals and lowers the collective consciousness returning a matching negative frequency through people, events and circumstances.

Political actors pretend people have a choice of main party candidates i.e. Republican vs. Democrat, Liberals vs. Conservatives, when in fact candidates are selected and installed by ruling entities. If this is not so, explain the world-wide coordinated covid era, permanent injuries and deaths after m-RNA covid gene therapy injections and boosters that continue to this day, persecution of people who speak the truth, mass deception, fraud, debt slavery?

Drama is engineered to trigger people’s emotions and divert attention to what serves few at the expense of many. Every body has 100% control over their responses in life. Knowing this, train and control the mind so it doesn’t control you.

The impact of soap operas extends far beyond tax payer dollars covering the cost of staged performances. The costs thwart lives, the environment and other creations for which every body is accountable and liable.

The world is their stage

Religious leaders, politicians, mainstream/alternative media; each actor has a script to advance one world governance. Their performance is aided and abetted by artificial intelligence. They are funded directly and/or indirectly by the people and supported by consent of the people without which they cannot proceed.

JFK/Trump combo

Are the American people in the throes of a colossal psychological operation, that with their consent, results in an even darker beast system?

Maxim of law: Ignorance of those things one is bound to know does not excuse.

Do you perceive consent is powerless?

Then can you explain why the actors go to such extremes to hide, and/or deny universal laws about man’s inherent ability through freewill choices to free ourselves from this dark construct?

And why do the actors take time to deceive, coerce, bribe, double speak, fact-check, censor, leverage fictions of law to instill fear that silences people, etc.?

Maxim of law: He who is silent appears to consent.

Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
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