Universal Relativity

Media Partners, The New Agora

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Universal Relativity

“We see each other as we seem, not as we are.”

The Trees for the Forest

Beyond our institutional and social conditioning, we have our own personal programming.  Whether it is our defense mechanisms, individuation, societal integration or self-righteousness, our selective conditions inhibit our interpretation and perception.  The common element in these human behaviors is ego.  The mind is a complex organism with conscious, intuitive and subliminal activity.  It is a dense forest within which we often lose ourselves.  Yet, it is not the thoughts we conjure, it is the point of perception we adopt and apply to navigate our way through the nuances of social reality.

Mirages of Interpretation

When we decide not practice awareness of our thoughts, they wander into obscure oblivion, composing assumption, criticism, judgement and interpretation.  Whether it is of ourselves or others, the absence of our communication results in our perceptual dissonance.  Eventually, this spirals out of control, and we lose our compass of understanding.  Social reality is rife with collusion, delusion and illusion, fabricating a plethora of personal narratives which induce infinite mirages of interpretation.  Our egos proliferate the stories we invent of ourselves and others, distorting and inhibiting our experience and relativity.

Peripheral Contact

When relationships become personalized and uncomfortable, we tend to talk with everyone but the person with whom we are in dispute.  Not all diversities of interpretation are “conflict.” Most are merely differences in perception.  It is evident that all who were not present in our exchange(s) will be unable to provide accuracy, empathy and neutrality.  Yet, we race to the first available sounding board who will quench our desire for consensus and conspiracy, regardless of our errant objectives.  Our impulse is to blame and shame our opposition.  In a quest to relieve ourselves of our anger, hurt and upset, we invest in malevolent actions, thoughts and feelings.  Our personal toxicity becomes viral, as our venom metabolizes into our disease.

Once Upon a Time…

Our universal nature is to be creative, energetic and kind.  As we “mature,” this natural expression devolves into adopting and inventing narratives and storylines of ourselves and others to occupy lapses in our communication.  This becomes a justifiable practice, particularly when we lose touch with our relations and vice versa.  We harbor pre-conceived delusions, believing them into existence as truth.  One of the greatest crimes against humanity occurs when we give our listening (power) to erroneous narratives about others; approving with our engagement, even though we disagree.  Many go the extra mile, and later feign empathy with the targeted individuals as a plea of clemency and conscience.

“Interpretation is perception without observation.”

Perceptual Reality

How we perceive our experiences is not how they occur.  Before we establish our consciousness, institutionalization imposes intolerant filters of interpretation.  We do not observe social reality for what it is, we see it for what we desire.  The driving force of our interaction is based on our personal fears, guilt, insecurities and self-invalidation.  Most of us don’t even exist, let alone evolve and thrive.  Our engagement is often reactionary to the nuances of our environment.  Therefore, our perceptions are distorted; influenced and manipulated by all to whom we acquiesce our personal power.  Social perception is an energetic vortex, seizing every ounce of our attention, inspiration and motivation.  It is the hostile takeover of our being, destroying our relativity with universality.

The Virtuality of Society

Reality, as we are conditioned to interpret, is contrary to our heart, intuition, soul and the universe.  Living in a three-dimensional paradigm is a paradox of being.  It confines us within the duality of thought and instinct.  We have fleeting moments of epiphany, insight and transformation.  However, the watermark of our extraordinary experiences vanishes, much as the impression of an ebbing wave on a beach.  We may even opt to chase them, or place ourselves in environments of spirituality, though the dynamics of social reality annihilate our universality with its very existence.  In essence, society is the antithesis of universal being.

The Relativity of Universality

Authentic relatedness does not exist in social reality.  Our current, collective awareness simply lacks the acumen to comprehend the omnidimensionality of universal being.  Universality is present in our every experience, available to all who synergize with its resonance.  However, society stigmatizes the adoption, expression and embodiment of universality.  Who we are being establishes what we manifest.  Relativity is about being empowering and supportive of ourselves and others.  Before it exists in society, it must thrive within us all.  This is the human schism between what we perceive and who we choose to be.


In this age of social media and artificiality, we opt for a multitude of virtual communication.  Perhaps it is our amusement, indolence, obsessions, pre-occupation and routines which sentence us to the self-imposed isolation we now exhibit as contemporary, human nature.  The personal conditioning we enact with our self-righteousness and vanity simulates our artificial contentment and security.  It is an evasion of our opportunity to authentically relate with ourselves and others.  Yet, it is our relationship with our heart, soul and the universe which empowers the experience we equate with belonging, and its eventuality as community.

The Embodiment of Soul

The deeper we spiral down the vortices of misinterpretation, misrepresentation and misunderstanding, the further we are from ourselves, others and the universe.  The energetic shift now available is to observe, understand and transform the feelings, thoughts, words and actions we express as a universal way of being.  In social reality, our conscious behavior empowers us, and ultimately others, to fulfill our universal purpose.  It is who we are and why we exist in this paradigm.  Being an expression of our soul in every moment empowers us to embody universality; so that others may empower their own.

Universal Relativity

Relatedness with each other is essential.  The source of our social interaction is the unique relativity we experience with the universe.  When we observe, understand and express our universality, we shift from the endless nuances of contemporary artificiality into the infinite possibility of universality.  Releasing the social deficiencies of interpretive filters, judgements, opinions and prejudice empowers us to accept and embrace each other, as we are and as we are not. Our opportunity for community is in our listening.  This transforms social reality.  Being universality collectively is how we experience universal relativity.

“Relativity is the essence of universality.”


This post was originally published on from Randy Rowe and can viewed here: https://newagora.ca/universal-relativity/

This post was originally published by our media partner here.