What is ‘Love’ telling you?!

Media Partners, The New Agora

What is ‘Love’ telling you?!

We are all interested in love, I would say. Most, if not everyone, is searching for that perfect experience of love, unless they’ve already found it for themselves. Of course, this is just my opinion, but when you ask anyone, who is unhappy in one way or someway, ‘what are you looking for?’, the answer is probably some form of love.

The trick to this search, though, is willing to see how we are ‘not love’, so that all may become love. Not the doings of love, as in some action or inaction but the being of love, the expression of that which we all seek to know intimately.

Even in this video chat, when I looked at most, if not all, of the comments, there were ‘defined’ by people’s definitions of love, and not what main topic, the intent of this conversation, was about, “What is love telling you?”.  Usually it is telling you how you are not, yet, fully love. What needs to change inside so your outside can match that!.  Judgements, past perceptions, beliefs, limitations and all other expression of  ‘what is love’ are useless, I would say, unless you are now, in your present moment, experiencing all the love you wish to experience.

If not, and this is most of us….well, something needs to change, and that something is always ‘us’….I have seen for myself. Love in it’s many forms, or love as the formless energy we can be are not the same thing. I’ve heard it said ‘That God is Love’, spirit, Buddha, whatever name you wish to give the force of life that gifted us all with love, with life, which is love….is just ‘being love’. Humans, though, have usually chosen to pick up so much ‘baggage’, so many beliefs, past regrets, shame, blame, parental upbringing, etc…all of which may ‘get in the way’ of the clear sight that love can offer.

Perhaps, if somehow, we are not happy with the love or loving experiences in our life, we can find those inner resources we all have access too, and use them to ‘accept’ personal responsibility to change ourselves. To see that the ‘not so nice’ things in our daze are simply reminders of what we can do different to allow for all the love to, first, blossom and then overwhelm and becomes  us, as we can be, become, Love.

No, it ain’t easy, and I’m still working on it, daily, but hey, what is better that being love, even if the pains first hurt to help heal the meaning of my life, which is Love, which will allow me to say ‘My Happy Destiny is Unavoidable’, and yours can be too.

With much Love, Lorenzo

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