Securing Capital in Cannabis: Navigating Investment Challenges and Opportunities

Monday May 26th
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM - Ballroom F
Speakers: Andrew Kain, David Hyde

In the rapidly evolving cannabis industry, securing investment has become one of the most significant hurdles for businesses looking to scale. This panel will explore the key challenges and opportunities in attracting capital, navigating investment trends, and securing funding in both domestic and international markets. Experts will provide insights into the current investment landscape, capital flow trends, and strategies for overcoming common pitfalls faced by cannabis companies seeking financial support. Attendees will gain valuable advice on how to attract investors, structure funding deals, and make the most of emerging market opportunities.

Moderated By: David Hyde

Speaker Submissions

If you are in the cannabis growing industry and would like the opportunity to speak at Grow Up Conference and Expo, please click here to apply.