Protecting Your Intellectual Property During the Cannabis Boom

Friday October 6th
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Room 205
Speakers: Kimberly McManus

From developing new products in the cannabis sector to advancing its medicinal properties and uses, innovation is thriving in the booming cannabis industry. Before bringing your inventions and designs to market, it is important to acquire the appropriate IP rights to offer a competitive advantage and gain protection from IP theft.

Did you know that patents give you the right to exclude others from making, using or selling your patented invention? In fact, patents as well as industrial designs can be used to protect different aspects of an innovation and can grant you mutually-exclusive rights. It is also possible to protect strains of plants, including cannabis, using breeders’ rights.

In this session, Kimberly A. McManus PhD, a leading registered patent agent will address some of the most common questions surrounding patents, designs and breeders’ rights in the cannabis market, including:

  • What is a patent, industrial design, and breeders’ rights? What are the advantages of each?
  • What is a patentable invention and a registrable design?
  • What are some common patent filing strategies?
  • What is Freedom-to-Operate (FTO)?


Speaker Submissions

If you are in the cannabis growing industry and would like the opportunity to speak at Grow Up Conference and Expo, please click here to apply.