In the last two years, dozens of approvals for psychedelic-assisted therapies have been approved for use by patients under the care of psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical counsellors, social workers, general practitioners, and nurses. Specifically, psilocybin has been a molecule of interest that has been a focal point to these alternative treatments, with patient access that falls under a Section 56(1) exemption under Part J of the Food and Drugs Act. From a commercialization standpoint, what licence type is required to prepare a regulated compound such as psilocybin for patients and what specific activities can be performed? What are the site-specific requirements? What evidence do we have to show that controlled substances like psilocybin may follow a similar path towards medicinal use that cannabis has taken? What is the potential for business in psychedelic mushrooms within the applicable legislation and what aspects can be leveraged to further the rate of company success? All this and more will be covered in this informative session.
Licence to Deal – How to Start Your Own Psilocybin Mushroom Business
Speaker Submissions
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