PART II: Psychedelic Medicine in Canada

Are Psychedelics the Secret for Coma Patients? (CRT) Coma Resurrection Therapy: A Novel Intervention.

The goal of Transcendent Therapeutics, Inc is to pursue the discovery and development of therapeutic potential towards (CRT) Coma Resurrection and pulling patients out of this lethal situation. We are conducting Research for salubrious therapeutics to enhance treatments for Coma Resurrection.

Most fundamentally we would like to see the association of neuron signals to the brain receptors to evaluate the “Brain death, Consciousness, Sub-consciousness and comparing with awareness as well as deep sleep.” This is intended to understand the therapeutic benefits of nano molecule formulations of selective compounds such as Psilocybin, Ketamine, Ibogaine, LSD, DMT, MDMA, Cannabinoid, etc., to support and conduct multi façade research and development and to validate the need and efficacy of these compounds and their potential therapeutic benefits for coma and many unmet medical needs.

Examining Small Canadian Growers’ Patterns and Practices: Preliminary Results from the International Cannabis Cultivation Questionnaire

Small-scale Canadian cannabis growers exist across Canada but are rarely asked about how they grow their cannabis, what they grow, why they grow, how they process their cannabis, and what they do with the cannabis they grow. The Global Cannabis Cultivation Research Consortium recently completed a survey of over 10,000 small-scale cannabis growers around the world, including more than 500 participants in Canada. Dr. Daniel Bear, a drugs policy expert, will present preliminary findings on the Canadian growers for the first time anywhere. This new data will shed light on a vast but underexamined population in Canada, and may help businesses looking to supply products and services to the home growing community.



Get the expo started off right with our opening night meet-n-greet for exhibitors and delegates.  Come mingle and have a cocktail after a long day of conference and booth set-up.

Only available to VIP Industry Pass Holders and Exhibitors.

Nano Emulsion (Rapid Onset) Benefits

There are numerous benefits to consuming cannabis through nano-emulsion. The extremely small cannabis oil/water particles provide greater therapeutic efficacy and offer the potential to minimize adverse effects. Nano particles in water means the solution is water soluble and therefore passes more easily into the bloodstream, resulting in faster onset.  And if you feel the effects sooner you can more easily gauge if you need or want to take more.  This burgeoning field is changing the way many ingestible and topical cannabis products are produced, how we use them, and how they affect us, and is clearing a path for innovative new products.


Case Study: Procan Labs on Staying in Your Lane – Building Using Old School Values

California presented a wild west opportunity when Prop 64 passed in November 2016. Procan Labs was built on old school values and has become the leading distillate provider in California by using old school business values and staying in their lane. Mark and his son Max will discuss their philosophy and how they have built a business despite all of the chaos around them.

Moderator – Chris Jones

Psychedelic Psychotherapy

The psychedelic psychotherapy panel will discuss the latest understandings of how different psychedelic compounds and their respective therapeutic approaches are proving to be better than others for treating variety of indications. We will be talking with patients who have undergone treatment using everything from DMT aka “The Spirit Molecule” for addictions, to ketamine for PTSD and psilocybin for end of life anxiety. We will also be diving deeper and learning from the subject matter experts who help facilitate these therapies to explore the successful aspects and short comings of the various approaches. We’ll explore perspectives from both ends of the spectrum, the western science based clinical approach of Field Trip, compared to other approaches offered by the Tripmaps platform, including those of a practitioner who speaks the power of the traditional ceremonial approach.

Moderator – Tamara Hirsh