by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
Cannabis farmgate refers to a retail store where cannabis products are sold directly to customers by a federally licensed producer (LP), usually at their production site. Despite considerable publicity and apparent interest by the industry and consumers, uptake is at a very early stage. Ontario is the only province with cannabis farmgate operations, although Saskatchewan’s retail framework allows it. The BC government will launch a farmgate program in 2022. New Brunswick announced in late August 2021 that it will implement a farmgate program as soon as possible.
The presentation will explain what cannabis farmgate is and could become, looking at the prospects for different licensees, including cultivators. Ideas being discussed include using farmgate stores to promote cannabis tourism and providing tasting and sampling as with wineries and craft breweries. The presentation will review provincial governments’ moves to establish farmgate programming and conclude by considering the outlook for farmgate in applicable provinces. The scope for cultivators’ participation will be discussed with fresh insights from BC’s current consultation exercise.
- Learn the model’s key components.
- Farmgate in many forms: can it work in any setting?
- Opportunity for co-operative farmgate models and selling other producer’s products.
- The model’s potential as a new sales channel and strategic driver of new business.
- What’s the outlook for farmgate store openings across Canada?
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
These are the brightest minds in cannabis growth, sharing experiences, best practices and goodwill amongst growers. And this camaraderie will come in handy as the push for industry standardization grows. They’ll talk about a year of challenges, adjusting to regulations, and offer insight into how Health Canada can adjust its role to promote better growing and cannabis quality. Many relationships were forged among growers at the last event, and it’s not far-fetched to see a future advocacy group forming over the lunch table.
Moderator – Brian Coutts


by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
The past year has been a “reckoning” for the Canadian cannabis sector. Many cannabis companies remain unable to turn a profit; but that’s almost a success story compared to those struggling to make payroll and in some cases, even survive. Against this backdrop there are also success stories. The truth is, some cannabis companies have adapted and are finding a way to succeed.
This panel will bring together a group of people who understand the many challenges faced by cannabis companies and have unique insights into what it takes to succeed in Canadian cannabis. We will discuss what went wrong but more importantly, we will focus on what smart cannabis companies should be doing now to turn things around for sustainable success.
Moderator – David Hyde
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
A tour de force of psilocybe mushrooms from historical use, legal status, growth cycles, understanding chemical makeup, and how psilocybin affects the brain and body.
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
Bruce Linton may forever be known for jumpstarting the Canadian cannabis industry as CEO of Canopy Growth. Or that may simply be known as his first home run. His next opportunity, Gage Cannabis, led the charge into the slowly loosening U.S. market via Michigan, with 19 “Class C” cultivation licenses, 15 dispensaries, and three processing licenses. And now, Gage has become a bigger player with the company’s all-stock $545 million purchase by TerrAscend. Bruce has graced us with his presence before, each time with some new venture percolating. In this keynote address, expect some hints of things to come.
Interviewer – Samantha Roman
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
There are big growers and there are micro-cultivators. And as strange as it may seem, there are more hoops to jump through and licenses to pay for if you decide to grow the cannabis equivalent of a craft beer. With processor licenses, sales licenses, nursery licenses and harvest limits, experts say a start-up could cost anywhere from $250k to $2 million. And yet, as consumer connoisseurship grows, and the willingness to pay for quality follows, micro-cultivators may be ideally suited to experiment with and grow higher-quality strains. This panel will examine the potential profit of limited-edition cannabis growing versus the cost.
Moderator – Dr. Av Singh
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
Truly a global phenomenon, cannabis is finding devotees in all its incarnations, from recreational to hemp to medicinal (Israel, for example, recently passed Germany as the largest importer of medicinal flowers). There is practically no place in the world where demand does not tempt investors. At the same time, there are many countries that still outlaw the drug. And COVID-19 has created its own foreign investment barriers, from restrictions on retail and travel to supply chain disruptions. Various market research studies have tried to make sense out of the emerging international market. This session will tell you what we know, what we don’t know, and what the profit potential is from Africa to Asia to Europe to South America.
Moderator – Matt Lamers
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
In a pandemic-stricken global economy, there is every reason to expect the worst. But despite what many consider high and/or unfair taxes, regulatory handcuffs and crippled supply chains, the durability of the cannabis industry has surprised many. In a research report from Prospiant and Cannabis Business Times, 31% of participants reported increased revenues in 2020 and 73% planned to imminently add cultivation space (indoor, outdoor or greenhouse). Is it overly optimistic to expect these trends to continue, or does this suggest better things to come? We’ll assess our industry’s strengths and its ability to endure.
Moderator – Terry Roycroft
by RANDY ROWE | Aug 10, 2021
Cannabis Industry Veteran, USA healthcare industry expert, Social Media Influencer, and Podcast host Michael Patterson sits down with Samantha Roman to discuss current industry trends, International trade, ancillary businesses opportunities related to cannabis, the cannabis global value chain, cannabis education, and much more!
Michael Patterson is the CEO of US Cannabis Pharmaceutical Research and Development, which focuses on moving society forward through legalized cannabis. US Cannabis develops the legal cannabis/hemp/cbd industry across multiple platforms (cultivation, processing, dispensing, trade, education, regulation/law, licensing, payments, compliance). Mr. Patterson is also President of MGMC Pharma Group (International Pharmaceutical company focusing on vaccine development and cannabis products), Advisory Board member for Akers Bio (NASDAQ listed company), Editorial Board member for AJEM-American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine (world’s first peer reviewed, printed journal dedicated to the study of the endocannabinoid science), Advisory Board member for ICS- Integrated Compliance Solutions (largest merchant processor for THC and hemp/cbd related businesses in the USA), and Podcast host of “The Cannabis Report with Michael Patterson”.
Moderator – Samantha Roman
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