How Cannabis Companies Can Partner with Indigenous Nations (Invite Only)

How Cannabis Companies Can Partner with Indigenous Nations (Invite Only)

Networking Lunch

(Panel Discussion) Many indigenous nations have expressed an interest in the cannabis industry a means of economic opportunity and many are already open for business. In Canada there are varying degrees of acceptance and openness to doing business with cannabis companies as well as varying degrees of legislative understanding. This intimate discussion with some of the most respected indigenous business leaders and cannabis executives will guide you through the path forward and cover everything from putting together balanced deals, to navigating cultural sensitivities, band by-laws, and more. (Moderator: Chief Isadore Day)

This year, Grow Up will be focusing on cannabis and the First Nations community along with an Indigenous Luncheon on Saturday. These panels will feature well-respected indigenous figures and discuss current topics regarding the First Nations community and cannabis.

This luncheon is open to the Indigenous / First Nations  community and companies looking to explore cannabis opportunities within the First Nations community. You must R.S.V.P. or request an invite by September 1st, 2018.


Sponsored by the Ontario First Nations Economic Developers Association and the 2018 First Nations Economic Advancement Conference


DOWNLOAD – Discussion Paper


Beyond Growing: It’s Complicated

Panel Discussion

As the industry expands rapidly what other business issues and developments should licensed producers be considering? Get an update from a cross-section of seasoned advisors on trending advancements required to remain competitive.

Moderator: Samantha Roman, Credible Cannabis Consulting

Cannabis Investment Networking Breakfast (Separate Ticket Event)

Networking Breakfast

*Conference Add On – $75*

Building Your Portfolio In An Evolving Market:

Speculators were following the money even before Canada’s recreational cannabis business began to take root. But now that major players have had time to flex their market muscles, analysts are already noticing strong trends. This session will track developments in the cannabis business in the U.S. and Canada, the most recent estimates of market size and growth, and the relationship between the large and small enterprises. Will the biggest companies seek to consolidate to restrict a rush of new competitors? What are the most promising areas of new investment? And what will it all mean to market suppliers? Moderator: Jay Rosenthal, Business of Cannabis

Breakfast followed by BONUS: Meet n’ Greet with Dragon’s Den, Kevin O’Leary

(Breakfast 8:15 am – 9:15 am)

(Meet n’ Greet 9:15 am – 9:45 am)



Meet n’ Greet with Dragon’s Den, Kevin O’Leary

Celebrity Interview with Riley Cote

Interviewer: John Perricone, Founder & CEO, Double Clef Management

Upon retiring from the Philadelphia Flyers, Riley transitioned into an assistant coach with the Lehigh Valley Phantoms of the American Hockey League (AHL). At this time, Cote also founded the Hemp Heals Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting cannabis and hemp as viable renewable resource to increase the quality of life as well as support sustainable agriculture, health and the development of clean, natural medicine. Cote currently sits on the BOD for PAHIC (Pennsylvania Hemp Industries Council), and is one of the co-founders of Athletes for CARE as well as the NHL league ambassador. He uses his role as the NHL League Ambassador of Athletes for CARE to help athletes and the public at large find safe, nontoxic ways towards wellness and self-healing. 


Bridging the Gaps Between Cannabis, Science & Medicine

This session will begin with a brief overview of medical cannabis and cannabis prohibition and will primarily focus on the importance of cannabis testing and the need for unified methods and testing standards. Joshua Crossney will speak to the need for medical cannabis products to be free of contaminants and for accurate cannabinoid dosing and potency labeling when dealing with pediatric and adult patients. Josh will also address the need for agreement in unified methods and standards associated with cannabis testing, as well as discuss the importance of bridging the gap between analytical sciences and cannabis, including information where experts and novices alike can network and learn more.
