Biological Warfare: Harnessing Nature to Control Powdery Mildew and Other Fungal Diseases

Since the inception of legalized cannabis production in Canada and the United States recalls of mold and pesticide tainted cannabis have repeatedly made headlines, with Powdery Mildew and the fungicides used to control it being the primary contaminant. Our panel takes on the issue from many approaches including bio-security, bio-fungicides and spray technology as well as cultural practices and genetics.

Moderator: Kevin Cullum, Reg Sales & Tech Manager, Koppert Biological Systems


Burning Concerns: The Debates Continue

Just because recreational marijuana is soon to be nationally legal doesn’t mean the drug warriors have surrendered on all fronts. Hot-button issues continue to swirl around the introduction of cannabis to the market – including intoxicated drivers, workplace safety, additives, underage access, the price point at which bootleg product becomes unprofitable, and whether the Canadian government itself should be a vendor in places like liquor stores. The conversation continues here.

Moderator: Barinder Rasode, President & CEO, Niche


The Future of Cultivation Facilities & Scaling a Grow

Necessity can be one mother of a motivator. And analysts agree next year’s sudden demand for legal recreational marijuana will expose shortfalls in supply. The same engineering and inventiveness that inspired agriculture’s Green Revolution will be directed to cultivating cannabis on an unprecedented scale. What will the future cannabis farmer’s workplace look like? Will factory farm techniques take over to increase yields? Or will energy and environmental consciousness play a part in the evolution of mass-market grow-ops? The future plays out here.

Moderator: Autumn Rose Karcey, President, Cultivo, Inc.



Investing in Cannabis: Investor’s Breakfast $45

*Separate Ticketed Event* Business operators and potential investors fuel up for the day and talk “seed money” at this high-powered and financially rewarding executive breakfast. It’s one of our most targeted networking events, a series of conversations over coffee that could change the course of your career.

Moderator: Michael Lickver, Executive VP of Strategy, Cannabis Wheaton


Opening VIP Kick-Off Party

Opening VIP Kick-Off Party

Let’s get this conference started with the best view in the city. Mingle with Grow Up speakers, sponsors and VIP delegates on the 34-floor of the Hilton Hotel directly across from Fallsview Casino.

This event is invite only and has a limited capacity. A waiting list is available (see below). Cash bar with 2 free drink tickets per person.
Join Waiting List