Designing and Growing Cannabis in Large Scale Facilities

Friday September 7th
1:00 PM - 1:25 PM - Peller Estates Ballroom A
Speakers: Barend Lobker, Robert Heikens


Nowadays the production of medicinal cannabis is switching from indoor facilities to greenhouses. The advantages of using natural sources such as light are large and drastically reduces energy consumption. There are also challenges, controlling the climate in a greenhouse requires different techniques and growth strategy.


The presentation will be focusing on climate control and plant behaviour, we will talk about growing strategies.

We will discuss subjects as:
Humidity control and temperature, Light, screens, irrigation/water management.

We will mainly focus on the climate and how that increases production and keeping plants more healthy.

Brought to you by AAB Int


Speaker Submissions

If you are in the cannabis growing industry and would like the opportunity to speak at Grow Up Conference and Expo, please click here to apply.