State of Cannabis Retail in BC

A discussion with several cannabis retailers from western Canada. We’ll be discussing different consumer preferences and trends, how to navigate provincial regulations, and more.

Moderated by Natasha Raey

Keynote Address: C45 Industry Update

The C45 Quality Association brings together the quality and regulatory leaders of Canadian Cannabis to assist in establishing the quality standards of the industry with the applicable Health Canada regulations.  The association is actively engaging discussion with Health Canada to assist in collecting feedback from our membership and prioritize the impact on business operations, cost controls, and profitability.  Our objectives have demonstrated momentum towards Health Canada outreach on several key topics such as increasing technical oversight on standardized lab testing and taking on a more risk-based approach to product authorizations and packaging design requirements.   The open consultations on the Cannabis Act afford the opportunity to evidence why more operational flexibilities in many areas such as qualified QA staffing, the NNCP submission process, and streamlined requirements for monthly CTLS reporting would improve the sustainability of working capital for businesses.  Ultimately, we support community frameworks and networking advantages for keeping Quality Assurance professionals working progressively in the industry and collectively learning from their interpretations of the regulations, their inspections, and work-place efficiencies for evolving business models.

Moderated by Dr. Brigitte Simons  


Outdoor Cannabis Production in BC

A discussion with four different BC outdoor growers, from small scale to very large. We’ll be exploring the unique issues and topics relating to outdoor cannabis production, sales channels, and more.

Moderated by David Brown – StratCann

A Discussion with BC’s Micro Cannabis Growers

(Panel Discussion) We sit down with four micro producers in BC to discuss their businesses, the state of micro in BC, and what it’s like to tackle projects like processor partnerships, sales into provinces, and successful product branding.

Moderated by David Brown—StratCann