Andrew Nunez-Alvarez

Andrew Nunez-Alvarez, Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) Class 20 Alumni, is the Project Lead Developer at LEGACYTEK: Medical Cannabis E-Commerce Division. Andrew’s mission is to support future generations of industry professionals become stronger leaders in order to help shape the future of cannabis farming in Canada as a team. Andrew’s obsession for plants, technology and leadership is deeply rooted in his journey cultivating medical cannabis for licensed patients.

Andrew began his journey in cannabis as a Health Canada licensed designated grower for MMAR-licensed medical patients in 2011 with the Hamilton Medical Marihuana Centre (HMMC). Cannabis was the first plant Andrew cultivated from seed to harvest. Throughout this chapter, Andrew experienced first-hand the impact cannabis can have in enhancing a medical patient’s quality of life and recovery. The experience of growing cannabis for medical patients, to then becoming a medical cannabis patient to treat the side effects of a serious injury, inspired his unwavering commitment towards becoming a leader in cannabis.

Andrew’s cannabis journey led him to pursue studying horticulture and leadership at an academic capacity to continue his journey from legacy to legal. Andrew holds a certificate in Horticultural Sciences from Humber College, diploma in Horticulture studies from Durham College, post-graduate certificate in Commercial Cannabis Production from Niagara College and a professional certificate in Advanced Agricultural Leadership from AALP. Throughout his academic career, Andrew received several honours and awards including the Landscape Ontario’s Ontario Horticulture Trades Association Post-Secondary Scholarship, the Roger Anderson Charity Classic Donor Award, DCAA’s Leaders of the Future Award, Durham College’s The President’s Award for Excellence in Student Leadership, Niagara College’s Certificate of Mentorship, Niagara College’s Certificate of Leadership, The Green Organic Dutchman Community Outreach Award, and more.

Andrew has led many clubs and societies throughout his academic career, and is notably the former Managing Director of Durham College’s Students Inc. student association during their inaugural year as an organization. Throughout his professional career, Andrew has led cannabis production facilities in Cultivation and QA roles across Canada, while serving as a board member for a few professional organizations. Andrew’s roles in Quality Assurance led him to discover a natural talent and passion in simplifying complex technology, and developing user-friendly apps to efficiently manage regulatory requirements within cannabis operations.

Andrew is an ENFJ personality type, Influencer in DISC and holds a highly innovative KAI score of 122 +/- 10.


The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” – Ralph Nader



LEGACYTEK specializes in no-code e-commerce, database development, digital marketing and business automations for online agri-businesses across Ontario. We design user-friendly e-commerce platforms and business management apps for non-tech-savvy teams.


LEGACYTEK x Grow Up Cannabis Conference & Expo:

LEGACYTEK proudly supports Grow Up Conference & Expo through the development and management of educational industry conference programming. LEGACYTEK’s goal as Grow Up’s Industry Conference Programmer is to provide cannabis industry supervisors and managers with industry-specific educational programming aimed to support their development and transition into leadership roles.