“Hey everyone!!! My names Armaan, I’m 22 years old and I’ve been in the industry for just under 3 years now. I like cars, music, sports, video games, and of course cannabis!!! I started in the industry as a budtender then making my way up from a keyholder to a supervisor which is the position I am in currently. When I first started I just thought selling weed was cool and that I’m a “legal drug dealer” but it became more than that really quick. The industry just absorbed me with all the knowledge there was behind just smoking cannabis. How the cannabis effects you, why does it smell and taste the way it does etc. I’ve learned so much from being in this industry and getting together with the community. It’s been a big part of my life daily and cannabis is something I’m truly passionate about. I’m always ready to learn more because it seems like the education never stops when it comes to this. That’s the best part about it!!!”

Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:
2023 Alberta
2023 Alberta