Ashley Newman is a visionary entrepreneur who believes in the power of perception. Her philosophy is simple yet profound: if you can change your perception, you can change anything. This mindset has driven her success as one of the first authorized cannabis retailers in Canada, as well as her ongoing efforts to advance the industry and promote positive energy throughout it. Ashley’s journey with cannabis began with her own struggle with endometriosis, which led her to discover the plant’s healing properties. As she delved deeper into the world of cannabis, she began to see its potential for transforming not just physical health, but mental and spiritual wellbeing as well. With a passion for innovation and a dedication to pushing boundaries, Ashley sold off her retail locations and focused on launching her own line of cannabis products. She has since become a leading voice in the industry, inspiring others to see cannabis in a new light and embrace the power of perception to create positive change.

Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:
2023 Alberta
2023 Alberta