Av Singh is one of the leading proponents of regenerative organic cannabis production being engaged in cannabis projects across six continents. Dr. Singh has authored over 200 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, and extension articles and has been an invited speaker to over 600 workshops, conferences, symposia as well as guest-lecturing at over 30 universities in Canada, the US, the UK, and India. Av has had the privilege of visiting over 2500 farms across five continents which has shaped his extension of holistic, system-based design solutions. Emphasizing a union of traditional knowledge with science, Av works with growers to cultivate an appreciation of plant:soil interrelationships.
Currently, Av is the Executive Director of the Scotian Cannabis Alliance; the Chief Scientific Officer at Adonis Living Soils; Scientific Advisory Chair with Cannaray (UK) and also serves as a Cultivation Advisor within the cannabis industry with Flemming & Singh Cannabis and Lav & Kush Consulting having clients in over 20 countries. Av also works as the Chief Science Officer at BoomBrains; Chief Agricultural Scientist with Green Gorilla (US); the Chief Agronomist at BetraLif, the Chief Soil Scientist at CaliCann (Colombia); and the Cultivation Advisor at WildLeaf (Zimbabwe). Av has had his hand in developing several award-winning (High Times Stash Award) living soil recipes for container and living soil bed systems worldwide.
Lastly, Av is a long-time member of the Canadian Organic Growers and the National Farmers’ Union, as well as the Vice-President of Régénération Canada. Av is also a faculty member at Earth University (www.navdanya.org) in India where he delivers courses on agroecology and organic farming and has recently completed delivering a course on cannabis cultivation at the Nova Scotia Community College. Most importantly, Av and his wife, Ren Shepard have two amazing daughters (and grand-daughter, Mira), who all are kind enough to tolerate his obsessions with Bob Dylan, whisk(e)y, and rugby union.
Av is proud and privileged to be a settler in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people, and constantly seeks to better understand his roles and responsibilities in adhering to the Peace and Friendship Treaties signed by the respective governments.