Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:

Dr. Lydia Hatcher, MD, CCFP, FCFP, CHE, D-CAPM

Dr. Hatcher received her MD in 1982 from Memorial University of Newfoundland and was certified with the College of Family Physicians of Canada in 1984 and awarded a fellowship in 2001. She is an Associate Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario.

In 1998, she received the Canadian Psychiatric Association’s Mental Health Awareness Award. In 2016 she became a Diplomate of the Canadian Academy of Pain Management.

She was an expert panel member for the 2017 Canadian Opioid Guideline update. She is involved in designing a medical cannabis public education program for McMaster University Pain Clinic. She is on the Editorial Board of the journal “Using Medical Cannabis” and writes regularly for this journal. She is also assisting with the DataCann cannabis research network at McMaster University and is involved in clinical research with cannabis.

She regularly lectures to physicians and the public on Medical Cannabis and Chronic Pain nationally and internationally. She has given over 200 lectures.