I have been a cannabis advocate and lover since my late teens. My relationship with cannabis started socially, enjoying with my friends, having fun, but has changed alot over the years, due to my pursuit for natural remedies to relieve my anxiety. As a person who values living a healthy lifestyle, I wanted to avoid pharmaceuticals and any potential side effects associated with them. I delved into products like cbd and found relief for the anxiety, pain, and issues with sleeping I was experiencing. My relationship with cannabis really flourished when I began to use it for treatment and relief for endometriosis. Which I was diagnosed with in 2019. After multiple surgeries to extract the Endometriosis, use of cannabis products, specifically, edibles were instrumental in my recovery. Today and everyday, I am very thankful cannabis is my medicine. 💚

Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:
2023 Alberta
2023 Alberta