Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:
2023 Victoria BC

Jodee Dick

Jodee Dick is a seasoned executive with over 35 years of experience in federal land management, governance, and economic development. As CEO of a First Nations development corporation, Jodee brings a wealth of expertise in negotiations, securing funding, project management, feasibility studies, financial management, drafting agreements, land valuation, leasing, government-to-government negotiations, and forestry.

Jodee is a member of the We Wai Kum First Nations from Campbell River, and her work is driven by her commitment to advancing Indigenous economic development and self-determination. Throughout her career, Jodee has demonstrated a track record of success in building strong partnerships and delivering results that benefit Indigenous communities and their partners.

If you’re looking to connect with an experienced leader in Indigenous economic development and land management, be sure to reach out to Jodee on LinkedIn.