Josh Sarvis and Kelly Dunn have been cultivating pure, closed loop food and medicine farms for over 3 decades. They are Humus Beings dedicated to intentionally and actively educating on the importance of allying with Mother Nature to enhance the foods and medicines that build our immune system and our cosmic connection to Earth. They are passionate about being a clear, conscious voice for psychoactive plants, whom are fragile as they re-emerge from a place of social oppression. Kelly is a Master Plant Medicine compounder and cultivator, herbalist, international Midwife and Holistic Nature Healing Practitioner. Josh is a Master Plant Cultivator, Natural Builder of garden and living/work spaces. Together, they live in Kootenays on a beautiful regenerative homestead with Healthy Soil being the cog of the farm’s rolling wheel. They have created Dragonfly Earth Medicine and the DEM Pure Certificate which is a business and international, educational, regenerative plant medicine community and construct of the true meaning of Healthy Mind, Body and Soil. The DEM Pure Certification has become a highly sought after, community driven, regenerative cultivation certification. The DEM Pure Collective has over 350 members, worldwide, that are experts in all facets of plant medicine . They continue to bring educators together to create international standards for regenerative plant medicine practices. They have been consulting and educating the international soil community and about the cycle of biological intelligence, regenerative cultivation, plants as a consciousness and humans as the stewards of that intelligence. Potent medicinal plants are playing a major role in this time of transition, as true healers of humanity.

Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:
2023 Alberta
2023 Alberta