Dr. Keri Wang graduated with Ph.D. degree in molecular plant pathology from the University of Alberta. Dr. Wang has worked on molecular mechanism of plant disease resistance and plant-microbe interactions by functional genomic approaches like virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and gene expression profiling, functional genomics and microbial ecology of plant growth promotion rhizobacteria, molecular epidemiology and biodiversity of phytoplasma diseases. He has expertise in plant pathology, microbiology, molecular biology, and biotechnology with 25 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 34 presentations in national and international conferences. He has developed and modified many methods for research and services. Currently, his work covers development and validation of methods for the rapid and sensitive detection, identification and enumeration of foodborne pathogens; plant disease diagnostics; development of attenuated viruses for management of virus and bacterial diseases; isolation and characterization of glyphosate degrading bacteria. Keri has recently reported two new viruses in cannabis, first reported cannabis phytoplasma disease in Canada. More cannabis viruses are being identified in his research.

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