Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:
2021 Niagara Falls

Paul Lewin

Paul Lewin has been a lawyer in Toronto and across Canada for over 27 years. He practices with Cannabis & Psychedelics Law Group LLP

and with Lewin & Sagara LLP in Toronto: His focus concerns litigation and consultation on matters related to cannabis and psychedelics.

Paul has advised patients, businesses, and medical professionals across Canada and abroad on the psychedelic industry. Paul has advised on the constitutionality of the psychedelic prohibitions currently in place and the means by which the laws can be changed. Paul has a deep understanding of the developing psychedelic legal landscape. The medicinal use of psychedelics is following a similar path as the early regulation of medicinal cannabis. Paul knows this road well.

Paul has fought cannabis issues at all levels of the Ontario Courts and in various other provinces. He has litigated the constitutionality of the religious use of cannabis establishing a freedom of religion breach. He challenged the medical cannabis doctor-as-gatekeeper rules under the Medical Marihuana Access Regulations. His court challenge at the Ontario Court of Appeal to the cannabis grower privacy laws ended the ongoing privacy breaches in which the police would access, without warrant, hydro consumption records of cannabis growers. His most recent ruling at the Alberta Queens Bench is the first case to successfully strike down the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations as unconstitutional due to serious infringements of the rights of medical cannabis patients.

Paul was on the Board of Directors of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in Canada (NORML Canada)  advocating for cannabis reform from 2011 to 2020. He spearheaded advocacy campaigns across the country including a national ranking of politicians on their cannabis positions. He lobbied politicians at all levels of government. He has spoken at cannabis events, he has moderated cannabis policy discussions and he has been interviewed dozens of times in the media on cannabis policy. Paul has advised doctors, lawyers, politicians, and the police on cannabis laws and cannabis policy.