Stephen Longo is a Partner and Co-founder of Walker Longo & Associates. Stephen acts for a wide range of clients providing advice and counsel on property tax assessment and related matters.
Stephen’s practice involves a wide range of clients in both the private and public sectors, including small and large businesses, tenants, landlords, educational institutions, hospitals, non-profits and municipalities. Stephen has also advised clients in the cannabis sector on property tax planning.
As part of his practice Stephen offers a range of services to clients, including handling assessment appeals and tax relief applications, pursuing exemptions from tax for eligible clients, conducting property tax due diligence for clients who
are purchasing or selling real property, doing lease reviews and audits, and providing litigation advice on matters in the area of property taxes or tax recharges.
Stephen appears primarily before the Assessment Review Board, but has also appeared frequently before the Superior Court, Divisional Court and Court of Appeal. Stephen has also appeared before a number of arbitrators and mediators.
Stephen believes that law is problem solving and his primary goal is the achievement of the best possible result for the client, in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.

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