Dr. Newmaster is a botany professor specializing in plant diversity, medicinal plants and DNA identification systems. He has more than 100 publications including numerous scientific journal articles, floristic treatments and books. He has supervised over 220 HQP including visiting scientists from around the globe and he lectures to over 2000 university students every year. His research program has generated over $7 million dollars in research, funded by NSERC, SSHRC, CIDA, Genome Canada, OMAFRA, CFI, OCE, CIDA-IDRC, MEDI, NRC and more. His research lab is situated within the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG) at the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario. Currently he is conducting leading international research on biodiversity, genomic diversity and the development of molecular diagnostic tools for plant identification. His R&D has impacted Canadian policy on biodiversity, and international trade of herbal products including product authentication and certification standards within the food and natural product industry within Canada, USA, E.U. and Asia.

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