by Grow Up Conference | Sep 20, 2017
Interviewer: John Perricone, Founder & CEO, Double Clef Management
Upon retiring from the Philadelphia Flyers, Riley transitioned into an assistant coach with the Lehigh Valley Phantoms of the American Hockey League (AHL). At this time, Cote also founded the Hemp Heals Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting cannabis and hemp as viable renewable resource to increase the quality of life as well as support sustainable agriculture, health and the development of clean, natural medicine. Cote currently sits on the BOD for PAHIC (Pennsylvania Hemp Industries Council), and is one of the co-founders of Athletes for CARE as well as the NHL league ambassador. He uses his role as the NHL League Ambassador of Athletes for CARE to help athletes and the public at large find safe, nontoxic ways towards wellness and self-healing.
by Grow Up Conference | Sep 18, 2017
This session will begin with a brief overview of medical cannabis and cannabis prohibition and will primarily focus on the importance of cannabis testing and the need for unified methods and testing standards. Joshua Crossney will speak to the need for medical cannabis products to be free of contaminants and for accurate cannabinoid dosing and potency labeling when dealing with pediatric and adult patients. Josh will also address the need for agreement in unified methods and standards associated with cannabis testing, as well as discuss the importance of bridging the gap between analytical sciences and cannabis, including information where experts and novices alike can network and learn more.
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
Workplaces may be one of the most first places to test the ramifications of marijuana legalization. Drug and alcohol policies are turned upside down when the prohibited substance is also a prescribed medicine. In this session, we’ll talk about how these policies must evolve, how a company can tailor its “message” on the issue to remain forward-thinking, and how issues of liability, privacy and human rights will all enter the argument.
Moderator: Fiona Brown, Associate, Aird & Berlis LLP
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
In this session, learn an approach to effectively connect growing with marketing to create a premium cannabis brand. Ultimately, the “best” is what end user believes is best!
Market researcher Marc Solby of the Cannabis Consumer Update and Lighthouse Consulting will share a method successfully applied in the craft beer market, craft spirits and other consumer categories. He will share a canadian case study and draw on his experience as Director of Marketing at Labatt Breweries and fifteen years of brand consulting in alcoholic beverages globally.
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
A discussion panel focusing on the last 5 years of security in the MMPR/ACMPR space. Discussion on some of the difficulties facing integrators, operators, and business owners from a security perspective. What are some of the best practices when securing a facility? How do you know when too much is too much? How does the industry prepare for the recreational market and how will that be secured and operated?
Topics to be reviewed:
- The difference from securing an indoor site to a greenhouse
- How to secure an extraction only site
- Using the security system on a daily basis
- Growing pains of learning “how to operate”
- Ambient temperature controlled cargo: Is it needed during long haul and extreme temperatures?
- Cannabis specific liability insurance during transport: What you need to know
- RPIC and A/RPIC escorts during transport: Are escorts needed?
- Cannabis specific secure transport: Increasing efficiencies
Moderator: Geoff Lawrence, Account Executive (Security), Convergint Technologies
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
From developing new products in the cannabis sector to advancing its medicinal properties and uses, innovation is thriving in the booming cannabis industry. Before bringing your inventions and designs to market, it is important to acquire the appropriate IP rights to offer a competitive advantage and gain protection from IP theft.
Did you know that patents give you the right to exclude others from making, using or selling your patented invention? In fact, patents as well as industrial designs can be used to protect different aspects of an innovation and can grant you mutually-exclusive rights. It is also possible to protect strains of plants, including cannabis, using breeders’ rights.
In this session, Kimberly A. McManus PhD, a leading registered patent agent will address some of the most common questions surrounding patents, designs and breeders’ rights in the cannabis market, including:
- What is a patent, industrial design, and breeders’ rights? What are the advantages of each?
- What is a patentable invention and a registrable design?
- What are some common patent filing strategies?
- What is Freedom-to-Operate (FTO)?
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
Multiple Case Studies that demonstrate all the areas of your business impacted by choice of genetics.
Moderator: Matt Rogge, Director of Research & Development, 7acres/Supreme Pharmaceuticals
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
Where is the best place to begin to find waste and inefficiency in the price competitive and heavily regulated Canadian & US cannabis cultivation market? A panel of cannabis cultivation and energy management industry experts explore the intersection of business and investments made in energy management planning for indoor cannabis cultivation. Join this session to gain insight from similar size real-life indoor cultivation examples, energy market strategies, practical management plan principles, techniques, technologies and equipment used for energy cost reduction and learn from the differences between their choices.
- Learn the outline of energy management plan – The important parts!
- Learn how location affects power, natural gas and water costs. a. Deregulated vs. regulated?
- Learn different operations, grow styles and use of power, natural gas & water.
- How to manage energy consumption kWh and peak demand kW? a. Global Adjustment Charge
- Is Combined heat & Power (ChP) energy generation a good choice or not?
Moderator: Kathleen Hokanson, President & CEO, Koan Energy Consultants
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
The purpose of another presentation on extraction of cannabis oil is to review the current trends in the world. The technology for the extraction of potential the active ingredients from botanical sources it’s not a new science for most attendees of this conference. The basic principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics and applied engineering are not new either.
Many scientists have been using disparate solubility of compounds before there was cannabis market. So why attend a presentation on extraction techniques for cannabis plants? Why bother to listen to the first few sentences?
The first reason, is that you are most likely still curious. How does the extraction of this plant compare to years of extraction of essential oils, petroleum products, edible oils and the vast amount of simple preparation techniques that use extraction differs are similar to this plant.
Second, you’re not familiar with extraction, but have read articles everyday about medical marijuana and are looking for scientific facts from an extraction point of view.
Third, you have too much time on your hands right now. There was nothing better to do. Unlikely, but it must be considered as a possibility.
by Grow Up Conference | Aug 23, 2017
This session will address some of the following topics:
- Structuring a cross-border cannabis deal – US/Canada legal issues
- Dealing with the changing cannabis laws – how to ensure that the deal is “forward-looking”
- Regulatory hiccups – key legal issues to keep in mind when structuring deals
- What are the legal issues in cannabis deals that are different than other deals?
Moderator: Eileen McMahon, Partner, Torys LLP
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