CANNATALK: Predictive Growing & Reaching Production Targets

Monday May 29th
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Hall D
Speakers: Chris Alessandrini, Matthew Scallion, Nico Hache, Shannon Kloet, Steve Sissons

Discover the future of cannabis cultivation at our engaging panel. Join industry experts as they delve into advanced techniques, cutting-edge technologies, and data-driven strategies that enable cultivators to optimize yield, quality, and consistency. Gain invaluable insights into predictive analytics, automation, and innovative methodologies that revolutionize the way we grow cannabis, ensuring growers meet and exceed their production goals.
Co-Moderators: Nico Hache & Shannon Kloet

Speaker Submissions

If you are in the cannabis growing industry and would like the opportunity to speak at Grow Up Conference and Expo, please click here to apply.