Previous Speaking Engagements at Grow Up:

Erin Lapansky

With the ultimate goal of efficient, safe, and environmentally conscientious cultivation, Erin Lapsansky capitalizes on an understanding of beneficial microbial communities, evidence-based practices, and innovative products for quality cannabis production. As Director of Production and Head Cultivator at Cascadia Gardens, a Washington State producer/processor, and an active cannabis consultant throughout North America, Erin individualizes processes for cost effective and high quality products. Erin also provides support to home growers so that they can mindfully produce their own cannabis for personal use, both medical and recreational.

Prior to joining the cannabis industry, Erin conducted research in the Center for Rhizosphere Biology at Colorado State University studying the use of microbial communities for plant growth promotion, integrated pest management, and optimized nutrient acquisition through root system architecture modification. During this time she also developed the concept of soil memory, a phenomenon which explains how a plant could promote the success of their reproduction and offspring through tightly associated relationships with the soil microbial communities which persist over time. At Gonzaga University, Erin received her degree in Research Biology and worked to develop methods which promote natural plant defenses including predator recruitment utilizing terpenes. This foundation knowledge continues to server as a tool in her passion for safe and natural cannabis production. Erin also taught Introductory Horticulture and redesigned course material to better meet the dynamic needs of students by engaging them in mindful, goal-oriented study and promote a love for plants in future generations.